23 He's jealous of your friendship with another boy

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Luke: You and Ashton had been close since you were really little, but since there was that bond you couldn't see each other in that sense. One days however you met Luke and you felt an attraction with him and by this point you two had been dating for three months and after had introduced you to the boys, he saw your bond to Ashton. "What's up with you lately?" you asked as Luke pulled up to your flat. "You and Ashton. You're not seeing him behind my back are you?" His jaw tensed a bit as you looked at him. "No, I've known him since I was like three. We couldn't even date each other that's how close we are," you said rubbing his face. "Promise?" He intertwined his fingers with yours. "I promise Luke," you said as he kissed you softly.

Michael: You were friends with Calums sister and as you grew up you became friends with Calum. Well, not a friendship per say, more like a tolerance. And as you stayed over more at the Hood household you noticed Michael looking at you when Calum would get his band together. Eventually he asked you out, but when you were over before he was, he would always see you talking to Calum, laughing and smiling. Calum was one of his best friends, and didn't think he would ever go behind his back. "Hey Y/N," Michael said as you sat in the food court at the mall. "Yeah?" "You and Cal, you didn't have anything in the past did you? I feel like you guys dated, or made out." He looked down at the table as you reached for his hand. "I've been friends with his sister for a long time. He's like the annoying brother I never got," you said as you tilted his head up. "I'd never cheat on you," you said leaning over the table and kissing his cheek.

Calum: Calum was so happy to have you as a girlfriend, but he would always get a bit uneasy when you visited the studio and he saw you hugging Michael, or when you would hang out and you two were playing video games. Something about you being around Michael bugged him into going into a state of paranoia until he found out what was happening. One day, he was just walking around when he heard you and Michael in the break room, talking rather loudly. "I don't think so, Clifford." "Come on Y/N, you just have to see the way he looks at you." He heard you sigh and shut a door. "I mean, yeah we've been dating for six months but he can't get the courage to say I love you and I feel weird because I want to say it but I want him to." He leaned against the wall, listening. Why didn't you talk to him like this? "Want me to talk to him for you?" "Yeah, thanks Mikey. Oh by the way, how's aunt Caroline?" He was confused by who you were talking about. "Oh you mean dads sister? I dunno she doesn't talk to us." "Yeah, same. I think it was all my dad. Damn us for being related," you laughed as you left the room. "Hi, Calum." He gave you a hug and motioned for Michael to leave. His paranoia went away after that.

Ashton: You knew Luke from your music class and you two just clicked, with him playing guitar and you playing piano and doing vocals together. And you knew Ashton from your job at a bookstore and you noticed him coming in every other day getting the same drink, and he caught your eye. Soon you two were dating and one day he invited you over to his house to hear his band. "Sure, will you pick me up though?" He agreed and later that night you were at his house. As you pulled into the driveway you noticed Luke's car. You didn't really think about it because Luke had friends in the neighborhood and you thought he parked over here. As you made your way downstairs though you heard Lukes familiar laugh. "Luke?" You said once you were able to see down into the basement. "Y/N!" Luke said, putting his guitar behind him and going to give you a hug. Ashton just kept going down the stairs and watched as you two hugged. He felt himself twitch a bit when he pulled you a bit closer. "You two know each other?" You pulled away and looked at your boyfriend. "Yeah, we were in music together in school," you said nudging Luke. "Yeah, I mean if we ever need a keyboard player just call Y/N up." He nudged you back and you smiled as Ashton walked over to you. "Just know she's mine Hemmings," he said as he wrapped his arms around you.

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