75 He finds out you cut

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Michael: you were sitting on your couch with Michael your legs were resting on his as you laid back reading a book as he played his favorite game. “Babe you want to play?” you dropped your book and looked at the screen “ehhh don’t think I’ll be any good” “come on” he motioned pulling you into his lap placing the controller in your hands “okay to X shoots the triangle changes views the circle changes guns and these run” “Oh my god Mikey I can’t do this” He unpaused the game and let you play you shot one of the guys in the game and you were so excited! you were wearing long sleeves like always and you rolled them up getting into the game “looks who’s getting all into it” Michael joked resting his head on your shoulder watching you play you were in a server fight so Michael looked down at the controller and helped you with the buttons. As he clicked the buttons he noticed the marks on your wrist and sat back. You paused the game and turned around “What?” Michael grabbed your wrist “what is this?” you pulled your wrist away and pulled down your sleeve. “Nothing” “Babe that’s not nothing that definitely something…are you…” “Cutting” you finished his sentence “yea I am Michael I wished you didn’t find out but I don’t want to lie to you” you got up from his lap to walk away as he pulled you back into it. “You don’t have to explain just please god stop you are so beautiful and amazing and I don’t want you  hurting yourself you are worth so much more then that” Michael said planting a kiss on your lips then kissing your wrist as a silent tear fell from your eye.

Ashton: You were getting ready to take a shower before you and Ashton went out for the night. As you got undressed putting your clothes into the hamper you saw the scars on your thighs. You shook your head since that was the first time you really looked at them in some time. You had stopped cutting a little after you met Ashton but you still fell back into old habits and cut yourself when you were feeling alone or scared or stressed and Ashton had no idea that you had or that you continued cutting. You turned away from the mirror turning on the water. You jumped as the bathroom door swung open “hey y/n wow sorry” Ashton said standing frozen in the doorway. You grabbed a towel off the hook trying to hid your legs from him. It was the first time him seeing you in just a bra and underwear and you were afraid of his reaction let alone him seeing your scars. “Damn girl” he jokingly said taking a step into the bathroom and grabbing your waist “Ash stop” you tried pushing him away with a giggle as you dropped your towel as he took a step back admiring you. When his eyes fell on your thighs he stopped and pulled you tight into his arms and hugged you tighter then he ever did and you felt his arms tighten around you “I love you so much you know that! you’re better then this I’ll help you stop doing this you shouldn’t hurt yourself I wish you told me but I understand why you didn’t” he whispered in your ear when he did you felt a flood of emotions and the weight of the world being lifted from your shoulder when he found out. you cried into his shoulder and he held you tight swaying you back and forth whispering and humming in your ear trying to comfort you. 

Luke: Luke came home one Friday earlier then usual. Your were on the couch playing on your computer and he walked in he flopped next to you “y/n come on were going away for the weekend” “what?” “I made plans for us come on and get packed” “where are we going?” “don’t worry about it” you packed some nice outfits and some casual a bunch of outfits that would fit going anywhere. After a while of packing Luke pulled you out of the house down to his car. Never once giving you any hints where you were going until you reached close to your destination when you saw beach signs. “Luke the beach? really?” “yes the beach the water the sand plus you in a hot bikini” you rolled your eyes and sat back wishing you weren’t where you were. You hated bathing suits and the beach when you were younger you loved the beach you spent every summer there but as you got older and very insecure about your body you began to hate it. You pulled up to a beautiful hotel on the beach. Luke led you upstairs to your room over looking the beach. You walked through the hotel in awe of everything when you walked into the bedroom you found a complete beach outfit laying on the bed as your heart sank. Luke had bought you the cutest bikini. “You like?” he asked as you picked it up you nodded your head yes but he could tell something was wrong “if you dont like it I won’t be offended” you felt a lump form in your throat and you throat starting to close and your eyes welled up with tears “y/n what’s wrong?” you tried to brush him off but as he reached out for you you collapsed on the bed crying “what is it babe do you want to go home?” you shooke your head taking the bikini in your hands walking to the bathroom putting it on and walking back out “because of this” you said pointing to the scars on the side of your stomach. “Oh shit babe I didn’t know I’m so sorry I didn’t know! you don’t have to wear it we’ll get you something new or we’ll leave” you walked forward wrapping your arms around him “no we’re not leaving…” “you know you are beautiful right? wear it and rock that hot body of yours” you shook your head reading into your bag for the loose maxi dress you brought “good thing I have this let’s take this a step at a time” 

Calum: You and Calum didn’t live together yet but you did spend large amounts of time at each other’s houses. One morning Calum decided to come and wake you up with coffee and doughnuts. Normally you had time to put makeup on before he showed up but this morning he was there before you had a chance to open your eyes. Calum walked in and sat in bed next to you putting the coffee next to your nose so you would wake up from the smell which you did. “Good morning beautiful” he said as your eyes opened “Calum! you brought doughnuts and coffee this si why I love you!” you said sitting up and reaching for a doughnut. Calum’s eyes fell on your wrist as you brought the dougnhut to your lips “why are you looking at me like that?” “Just….it’s just…you never told me about that” he said pointing to your wrist. “oh umm” you said shuffling to your feet. “you can tell me if you want to I want to know” “well it started when I was 15 after everything happened with my family and I’ve just used it ever since as a crutch…when I met you I stopped for a while but now I’m doing it more then ever it’s nothing you did or didn’t do it’s me” “The only thing I can think of is you need to go back to that time when you weren’t what made you happy and do that again find what makes you happy you are what makes me happy seeing you smile is what makes me happy but what makes you happy” “you do.”

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