24 He sneaks in at Night and your parents almost catch you

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Luke: Your parents were snoring down the hall when you let your boyfriend in. You two both spent the night fulfilling all the sexual tension he had built up on tour. As the sun peaked through your curtains, you looked over at him sleeping soundly on your pillow. You smiled, but freaked out when you heard the floors creak and foot steps pad down the hallway. "Luke, you have to go," you said pushing him harshly. "Five more minutes," he muttered. "My dad is coming down the hall." He shot his head up and quickly opened your window, climbing out in only his boxers. "Throw me my clothes down ok?" He jumped and you quickly sent threw his clothes over. He mouthed a 'call me' and went to your back gate. As soon as you closed your window your bedroom door opened. "Morning sweetheart." Your dad leaned against the door. "You have a good sleep?" You smiled before looking at your dad. "One of the best in a while."

Ashton: Your parents were gone for the weekend and Ashton was just hanging out, but one thing led to another and soon you two were going at it until six in the morning. You rolled off of him and laid next to him as he pulled on his boxers. "That was fun," he said brushing his hair to the side. "Yeah, my parents should be gone more often." You smiled as he began tickling you, laughing loudly. "Y/N?" You stopped laughing automatically when you recognized the voice. "Fuck, Ashton you need to leave." He looked at you but looked at your door when he recognized your moms voice. "She'll kill both of us if she knows you spent the night," you said opening your window. "I'll come over later today ok?" He whispered as he slipped out the window. "Ok, I love you." "I love you too babe," he said as he landed on the ground and ran across your front lawn. You watched as he got in his car and drove away. "You're up early, aren't you darling?" You turned around and saw your mom looking at you. "Yeah, well it was a nice morning to look at," you said watching Ashton round your corner again and wave.

Michael: Your parents had barely met Michael the week earlier and you had found a way to sneak him into your house at two in the morning. You two had stayed up until five doing most things that people would find outrageous in the bedroom, but you two still ended up doing it. You fell asleep for a couple hours and woke up at 7:45. "Shit," you said throwing on some pajamas. You're dad was up and about to go to work and he always came in your room at 7:50 to say goodbye. "Michael, Michael you need to leave now it's important." Of course he wouldn't move and you had to punch him harshly in the stomach. "What was that for?" He groaned. "My dad is gonna be in here any minute. You need to get out." He quickly put his shirt on and slipped his pants on before throwing his shoes out the window. "I'll pick you up at four ok?" You kissed him hurriedly before closing the window on him. Just as you sat back on your bed, your door opened. "Sleep good dear?" Your dad asked. "Perfect," you said smiling.

Calum: He was a family friend for the longest time before he had asked you out. Your parents of course approved of him for how long you two had known each other. But what they didn't approve of, or know for that matter, was how you would sneak out and meet each other. Sometimes it'd be to his house for some fun, or to yours. This night in particular was your house and he had to go as far as to gag you with your socks. But that was more of the thrill right? Anyways, as the morning dawned, your mom screamed how breakfast was ready and if you weren't ready in fifteen minutes she was going to get you up. You quickly shot up and started throwing Calums clothes at him. "You need to leave before she finds out!" You said helping him get his shirt on. "Ok, ok, calm yourself babe." He got his pants on as you called down to your mom you'd be ready in a minute. "Ok, so tonight at my place right?" He asks as he goes onto your balcony. "Yeah, be there at ten," you say before kissing him goodbye. You quickly got dressed and went downstairs. "Hi mom," you said sitting down at the table. "Morning Y/N. Do you think you'd like to invite Calum over some time for dinner?" You smirked to yourself. "Well, he is busy at nights but I can try to figure something out."

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