13 One of the other boys hits on you

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Luke: Calum had been asked by Luke to see who you liked. But you were a tough shell to crack and Luke wanted to know if you liked him back. So one day as you were lounging around at the studio, Calum sat next to you. "Hey babe what's up?" He said placing his hand on your knee. "I'm not your babe Cal," you said pushing it away and going back to scrolling on your phone. "Come on, just talk to me." "No Calum. Can you go away please?" He moved closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder. "Tell me a secret Y/N." "I want to hit you in the balls." He laughed before moving his hand up your leg. "Ok, I'll start. I know who likes you a lot. And it isn't me." You looked at him, knowing he was telling the truth. "Who?" "You gotta tell me your secret. Tell me and I'll go away." He smiled up at you and you sighed. "I really like Luke but he probably doesn't like me back." You looked down and Calum left your side. "OH REAL SENSITIVE! I GO AND SAY I LIKE LUKE AND YOU-" You started yelling but Luke stood right there, a smile across his face. "You heard all of it didn't you?" You said in a whisper as he walked over to you. "Yeah, and I've never been happier," he said wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in for a hug.

Ashton: You had just started dating Ashton but he hadn't told any of the other boys. You were sitting in the lobby of the recording studio, waiting for Ashton to be done for the day when Michael came up. He didn't know you or the fact that you were one of his best mate's girl friends. "Hi," he said casually. "Hello," you said smiling. "What's your name?" "Y/N." You looked around for Ashton but he still wasn't in sight. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He smiled and you smiled before replying, "Thank you, but I'm afraid I'm waiting for someone." He looked around and leaned against the front desk. "Well, there isn't anyone else here to be waiting for. Unless you're waiting for me?" He smirked and you rolled your eyes. "No, good try though. I'm waiting for my boyfriend. Have you seen someone about six feet tall with curly hair?" You went over to the stairs and looked up them. "You mean Ashton? Sorry love he doesn't have a girlfriend." You looked at him in shock. "What do you mean 'Doesn't have a girlfriend'? Yes he does!" "Really? Because as long as I've known Ash he's been-" but he was cut off by the elevator going off. "Y/N babe! How long have you been down here?" Ashton said coming out of the elevator. "Just ten minutes," you said looking back at Michael. "Ready to go?" You asked and he nodded, taking your hand.

Michael: You had been in school with them and Michael had asked you to your schools homecoming. You said yes because your friend said he liked you, and you had liked him since grade 8. One day as you were packing your backpack up at your locker, your friends boy friend came up next to you. "Hey Y/N." "Hi, Ashton. What's up?" He shrugged and leaned up against the lockers. "Nothing. Can I ask you a question though?" You slung your backpack over your shoulder. "Sure. Can you make it quick though? I have to go and meet someone." He dug his hands in his pockets. "Well, I just think that you should go to homecoming with me and not Clifford." Your jaw dropped. "What about (Y/F/N) Ashton?" "I broke up with her this morning. I realized I liked someone else. I like you Y/N," he said leaning in. You pushed him away and slapped him hard across the face. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin! I have a boyfriend that likes me a lot and I like him a lot and how dare you dump (Y/F/N)! She's one of the kindest people ever. F-fuck you!" You shouted, turning on your heel and walking away. You ran outside and bumped into Michael. "You alright babe?" He asked pushing hair out of your face. You looked back into the school and saw Ashton coming outside. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just go alright?" He smiled, kissing you softly and taking hold of your hand.

Calum: Calum was hosting a movie night at his house tonight and he invited you, the rest of the band, and some of his other friends. As the movie started, you were wedged in between your boyfriend and his best friend Luke. You had always known Luke liked you but you liked Calum more and when he asked you out, you felt like it was right to say yes. "Hey Y/N, will you hold my hand if I get scared?" Luke whispered in your ear. You looked at him and pushed his face away, causing him to grin. As the movie went on, you felt someone's hand creep up your thigh. You thought it was Calum because of how you were sitting, but then you realized Calum's hand was around your shoulder. You looked at Luke and he was staring at the tv screen. You reached under the blanket and moved his hand into his own lap. "Stop it Lucas," you breathed into his ear. "I won't stop, you know that Y/N," he whispered back before going back to the movie. You grunted and got up, pulling Calum with you. "What's wrong babe?" "Nothing, I just didn't like that seat. Can we sit on the stairs?" He nodded, grabbing the blanket and making you both an area on the stairs, where you were away from Luke and his wandering hands.

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