31 First time spending the night

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Luke: "It's late," you say after you put down your journal that you write music in. "You're seriously not driving home in this are you?" He asks as lightning flashes outside the window. "I have to get home, you know what my parents will do," you say as your phone goes off. "Hi mom." "Sweetie, I can't come pick you up and there is a flash flood warning. Do you think Luke will let you spend the night?" You look over at him and he smiles because he has overheard the conversation. "He said okay. See you when the storm is over." You hang up and sit back in your chair. "So, uhm, I guess I'll sleep in my clothes," you say as he grabs your chair and pulls you closer to him. "You have mine to sleep in because you're so adorable doing it."

Ashton: You two were out driving when you noticed the time. "Ashton," you tried yelling over the music but he had it blasting as if he wanted your ears to bleed. "ASHTON FLETCHER!" You yelled laughing a bit as he freaked out and turned the music down. "Holy shit what," he laughed as he turned into his driveway. "I have to be at class by eleven tomorrow," you sighed leaning against the seat. "No you don't. Don't go home." He pleaded with you and grabbed your hand from across the center console. "I have a test though and-" but you couldn't resist his puppy dog face. "My mom is gonna kill me if she knows I snuck out with you, let alone spent the night." You sighed and he held your hand. "You live on campus don't you?" "Yeah," you said playing with his fingers. "Stay the night, she won't know then. And besides you don't want to wake everyone on your floor up do you?" You looked at him and even in the dim lighting you kid see the shining in his eyes. "I guess what she doesn't know won't hurt her." He smiled before pulling your face over and kissing you.

Michael: You two went on a date to get pizza and ended up staying way past closing time. The people had asked you to leave around midnight because of security purposes, so you two walked back to his house before you realized you had to be at your house. "Michael, I have to get home and turn off my turtles heating lamp." He stopped and looked at you like a crazy person. "That turtle will be fine if the heating lamp is on all night. Let's just go back to my place." He tried pulling you but you dug your heels into the ground. "I don't want to though!" You said as he stopped fighting with you. "Why not?" You looked down at your feet. "Because I'm scared about spending the night at your house. You're my first serious type of boyfriend." You looked at him as he walked up to you and pulled you in for a hug. "You don't have to be shy alright? All we're gonna do is make out until we fall asleep," he said quietly as you looked up at him. "Promise that's all you'll do?" You say looking up at him as he's already looking down at you. "I promise," he says pulling away from you and taking your hand and leading you both in the direction of his house.

Calum: You two had been watching movies all day, and by the time the last one was over, it was ten thirty and it was to dark to see even six inches in front of you. "Calum, how the hell can I get home if the only thing out there is fog and black stuff," you whined as you looked out the window. "No one said you had to go home," he said as he turned on the lights, illuminating the mostly dark house. "What do you mean? My mom could be freaking out because of how it looks outside." You looked out the window again and you felt his arms wrap around your waist and his head rest on top of yours. "Call her and say that you don't want to get hurt and you'll spend the night at my house," he said as he started rocking you both back and forth. "Do you think she'll let me?" You said as you gripped onto his forearms. "Of course. Now let's get ready for bed and call her and it'll all be fine." he took your hand and lead you upstairs and you called your mom. "Ok, just be safe coming home tomorrow alright sweetie? Love you," she said hanging up. You got changed and slipped into the bed, snuggling up next to him. "I can get used to this," he said smiling as you wrapped your arms around him.

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