4 He wakes you up

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Calum: It was a bright, sunny morning when you woke up. Last night you and Calum decided to watch his favorite movie on the flat screen in front of your bed while spooning. Except today you felt something hard poking you in the back that definitely wasn’t there last night. You quietly loosened his grip on you and turned around to see a gigantic bulge in Calum’s pajama pants. You burst out into loud laughter, which woke him up. “What’s so funny [Y/N]?” he asked, rubbing his eyes and yawning. “Your gigantic morning wood,” you replied, doubling over in laughter again. He looked down at himself and blushed. “I’m…. uh, gonna head into the bathroom to handle this,” he said as he ran into the gigantic bathroom in your shared apartment. It took a while before he was able to come out of the bathroom, so you decided to send a tweet out to all of your lovely followers. ‘Calum Wood is an amazing boyfriend… whoops I meant Calum HOOD ;) @Calum5SOS’. By the time Calum came back, your tweet had received quite a few retweets and favorites and #CalumHoodsWood was trending worldwide.

Ashton: "[Y/N], [Y/N], [Y/N]!" Ashton chanted to wake you up. Though you had heard him, you pretended to stay asleep, just to see how long he’d continue chanting. "[Y/N]," Ashton whined, "Just wake uppppp, I want to spend the whole day with you, but you’re still asleep!" He proceeded to climb onto the bed and start jumping. "[Y/N}!!!!!!" He yelled into your ear. It was getting harder to lie still with your eyes closed. He continued to jump until he hit his head onto the low ceiling, and fell on top of you. "WHAT THE FUCK ASHTON GET UP," you yelled at him as he slowly crushed your stomach with his heavy arms and chest. He cheekily smiled and shook his head. You evilly smiled back, grabbing a pillow, and started smacking him in the face. "Get. Up. Now. Ashton." you said as you hit him in the face with the pillow. He pouted and got up. "Only if you give me a kiss," he smiled cheekily at you. He flipped over and hovered above you, as you shook your head no. "Fine then," he threw himself on top of you again. "Fine! Fine! I surrender!" You squealed, laughing as Ashton got back up again. "Thought so," he smirked and leaned down closer to you. You gave in and pecked him on the lips.

Luke: "CAUSE BABY YOU’RE A FIREWORK! COME ON SHOW EM WHAT YOU’RE WORTH! MAKE EM GO ‘OH OH OH’! AS YOU SHOOT ACROSS THE SKY-Y-Y!" You woke up after hearing someone singing loudly and off-tune into your ear. "What do you want?" You groan, keeping your eyes shut. "Wake up [Y/N]," Luke’s morning voice, whined. "I am awake!" You smiled, with your eyes still shut. "But your eyes are closed and you’re lying down," he pouted. "If I’m not awake how am I talking to you?" "I DON’T CARE [Y/N] JUST GET UP. IM SO BORED PLEASE!" Luke whined loudly. "I need a kiss to get up," you replied cheekily. "Also you have to promise we can go to Starbucks later. Ooh and that ice cream place!" "Fine, I promise!" Luke said as he swooped down to give you a sloppy kiss. You finally opened your eyes and got up. Since Luke was a lovely boyfriend, he gave you a piggy back ride to the kitchen and made you your breakfast.

Michael: "Fuck!" You woke up to a yell from the kitchen. You slowly walked to your kitchen, where you stood in the doorway silently. You saw your boyfriend, Michael, in front of the stove trying to make what looked like eggs or maybe bacon. "Need some help?" You giggled as you heard Michael curse again. "Huh? What?" He spun around to see you standing in the doorway, finally noticing you. "Morning babe," you said, walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. "You’re supposed to be sleeping, so I can surprise you with breakfast in bed," he whined. "Sorry baby," you pouted. "Eh… I can’t really cook anyway," he admitted. "It’s the thought that counts," you said before kissing him, "now go back to bed so I can be the one to make you breakfast in bed."

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