51 Your child walks in on a heated moment

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Luke: It was a late night coming home from work, and Luke had already put your daughter to sleep as you stared blankly at the ceiling. "I know how to make you feel better babe," he whispered before kissing your neck. "And how's that?" You said looking over at him with tired eyes. He only smirked before kissing you and sliding his hand down into your pajama shorts. His finger made its way into your entrance and he began pumping it before adding another. "Oh god don't stop," you moaned rather loudly. He smirked before starting to kiss your neck. "Luke, I feel close," you said as he began massaging your breast with his other hand. As you reached your peak, your daughter pushed the door open, the light from the hallway coming into the room. "Mommy, are you okay?" She asked sleepily. You quickly pushed Luke away from you and sat up. "Y-yeah sweetie. Daddy was just giving me a massage." She looked tiredly from Luke to you before lifting up her arms. "Can you put me to bed Mommy?" "Sure sweetie," you said walking over to her. As you left the room, you turned your head to see Luke giving you a smirk and mouthing "later."

Ashton: You had just gotten back from the gym and you saw your son was playing in his friends yard. You waved over at him and he noticed you before running over to you. "Hi Mommy, how was the gym?" "It was good. I'm gonna go inside okay and take a nap alright. Be home by five okay?" He nodded before hugging your legs and going back to his friend. You smiled before painfully walking inside, your thighs working from the bicycle machine. "Hi Ash," you said dropping your purse on the counter. "You look like you're in pain," he said walking over to you and pulling your body into his. "Yeah, my thighs are sore," you whined while playing with the hem of his shirt. "I know how to fix that," he said before winking and carrying you upstairs. When you got to your bedroom, he threw you on the bed and pulled off your spandex shorts. "Ashton, Y/S/N is gonna be home in a half hour." He ran his index and middle finger through your slit before parting your lips. "That gives me enough time," he said before pulling the covers over his head and attacking your clit with his tongue. "God, god don't stop," you said locking your thighs around his neck and pulling on his hair. Within minutes you were screaming in pleasure as Ashton made your body shudder with delight. "Mommy? Are you okay?!" Your son yelled as he ran up the stairs. Ashton quickly got out from the covers and to the other side of the bed. As soon as he did that, your son came in looking tired but still worried. "I...I woke up from my nap and I thought there was a spider in bed so Daddy came in to make sure there wasn't one." "Oh...okay. Can I spend the night at my friends house?" "Sure, son." Your son smiled before running off to his room. "And then we can continue this later," Ashton said before kissing you and going to help your son pack.

Calum: You hated wearing your push up bra because if your boobs weren't in the way enough, having them closer to your face didn't help with that. And it was really tight and you didn't know what to do about it. So when you were cooking and your bra strap pinched the skin on your shoulder. "Dammit!" you said throwing down your spoon. "What is it babe?" "I freaking hate this bra and it's pinching me every time I move my arm." You rubbed your face before looking down at the stove. "Dinners almost ready by the way." You turned around and Calum wrapped his arms around your waist. "I think I know what I want for dessert," he said before moving one hand up and massaging your right breast. "Calum, you want your daughter walking in on you doing this?" you said looking up at him. "We could go upstairs?" He now had your shirt pulled down and was massaging through the cups that he was beginning to take down. "You're gonna make me set the food on fire," you mumbled but it came out as more of a moan. "Good, I like my food with a little char," he said before kissing you. His hands massaged both of your breasts and rolled your nipples in between his fingers. "God you're such a tease," you moaned as he sucked on your lip. "Mama, is dinner ready yet?!" Your five year old called from the intercom system. You quickly pulled up your shirt and pressed the return button. "Come on down sweetie!" You said as Calum went to go and get plates. "You know we aren't done," he said as your daughter bounded into the kitchen and sat at the marble island. "I know," you said putting her plate in front of her and kissing her forehead.

Michael: Your baby sister had asked you to be her maid of honor at her wedding next month and of course you said yes, and you had just gotten the dress today, a knee length maroon dress with a sparkly bust and a fish net skirt. "God, she has such horrible taste," you muttered as you slipped into the tight fighting slip that came with it. As you pulled it over your bra, Michael came into the room. "He's down stairs and he's coming upstairs in like ten minutes-" He stopped mid sentence and looked at you. "Damn you look beautiful," he said with his mouth wide open. "I look like shit but alright," you said as you picked up the dress you were starting to despise. "You look really nice though, and that makes me feel really nice," he said, smirking while coming up behind you. You could feel his hard on pressing against your butt and you bit your lip. "Oh, so you feel nice?" He nodded before dipping his head down and kissing your neck. You turned around and placed your hand over his crotch. "Want me to make you feel even better?" You said while roughly palming him through his jeans. He responded by kissing you softly and undoing his jeans. You pulled away from the kiss and pulled out his erection from his underwear. You pumped it a couple times before quickly deep throating him and coming back up before repeating the process. "Oh god, please don't stop," he said as he began tangling his fingers in your hair. You held on to the back of his thighs and kept bobbing your head up and down, the grip on your hair getting tighter and tighter. "Oh god, I'm gonna cum," he said in a throaty whisper. "Dad?" Your son called from what sounded like a few feet away from your room. "Shit," you both whispered as you gathered yourselves. "Dad, are we gonna go get the basketball?" You had the dress zipped up and were on the other side of the room as Michael was tying his shoes. "Yeah, lets go." He put his hand on his shoulder and ushered him to the door. "Why does it smell in here?" "No reason, no reason," Michael said giving you a wink as he went downstairs.

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