56 He protects you from your abbusive ex-boyfriend

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Luke: You and Luke had gone to a coffee shop before you went to the gym together in the morning. As you waited for your order, Luke went to the bathroom and you looked around before noticing someone you really didn't want to notice. "Y/N, wow you look really nice babe." "Get away from me Dylan," you said as you grabbed your coffees and walked to an empty table. "Why'd you get two?" "Cause I can. Now please leave," you said looking over at the bathrooms hoping Luke would come out soon. "Wow, don't have to get sassy babe." "I'm not your babe, I haven't been your babe for a good seven months. Now kindly leave!" You said standing up. He forcefully grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him. "I don't appreciate you talking to me like that," he said as his face was only a couple inches away from yours. "I don't appreciate you touching my girlfriend like that," Luke said from behind him. "He's your boyfriend?" He said shoving you away. "Yeah, and I'm sure as hell don't treat her like that," he said pushing him away and holding you. "I suggest you leave us alone," he said pointing to the door. He shrugs and leaves and you two go and sit down. "Did he hurt you?" Luke asked looking at your arm. He knew about your past with Dylan and he ran his fingers gently over where he grabbed you. "No, I'm fine. Thank you for standing up for me," you said as he grabbed his coffee. "Your welcome. You deserve better then that," he said as he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it.

Calum: The bass of the club was going through your body as you weaved your way to the bar. You ordered a coke and rum, wanting something that would make you forget the horrible day you had and something that would give you a nice buzz. You sat at the bar and scanned everywhere, not necessarily looking for someone to take home, but if there was any potential in the crowd. But then you saw him, your abusive ex boyfriend. You couldn't avoid him now, he had seen you first. He quickly made his way to you. "Y/N, how have you been?" You cringed, smelling the alcohol and smoke on his breath. "Fine Kyle. I'm about to leave though." You set your empty glass on the bar and made a path to the door, but not before he grabbed your arm. "Hey, I want an actual answer from you. How have you been?" He squeezed tighter and you winced in pain. "You're hurting me, please stop." You pulled away from him and made it outside. You felt him grab you again, wrapping his hands around your neck. "You're coming home with me babe," he breathed in your face, making you cough at the rancid odor of him. You tried fighting him off, but it was no use. You closed your eyes when his lips came towards yours, but gasped for air when he let go of your neck. "Didn't your mother tell you that's not how to treat a woman?" You sank to the ground crying as a boy with dark hair punched your ex in the face. He walked over to you on the ground, helping you up. "Hey, hey it's alright," he cooed wiping away the tears on your face. "I'm Calum. Who are you love?" "Y/N," you whimpered as you felt your pain in your neck and arm. "Here, tell me where you live and I'll take care of those for you." He wrapped an arm around your waist as you guided him to your house where he made you feel better than you ever had.

Ashton: You two were walking around and you thought you saw someone familiar out of the corner of your eye. You had only been dating for a month and a half, and you still weren't over your last boyfriend, who was nothing but an abusive dick. And just your luck, it was him taking a run. "Ash, can we go the other way?" You said grabbing his hand and pulling him close. "Why? Babe what's wrong?" He cupped your face and brought you close to him. "I see him, I see Alec," you said as you grabbed his wrists. "I got this, alright?" He said stroking your hair. You could only nod as Ashton began walking. "Y/N," Alec said as he got closer to you. "You look really good," he said as he got closer to you. "Yeah, you know when I'm not covered in cuts and bruises from you." You knew you were pushing a few buttons but you didn't care, he had put you threw enough misery and it was time for you to take a stand. "What? You know I didn't mean all of that." "Tell the cops that," Ashton said from behind him. "Who are you?" "I'm someone who appreciates her for who she is, and that isn't by beating the crap out of her. It's by telling her how she's actually a beautiful girl and how I know she doesn't deserve me but I stick around to keep her safe." "Y/N I treated you like the princess you were, didn't I babe?" "I'm not your babe!" You said as you pushed him away. He quickly pushed you back and you landed on your butt, hard. "Hey, this is from me to you," Ashton said as he quickly kicked him in the groin. Alec tumbled forward and Ashton pulled you up to your feet, brushing you off. "Are you alright?" He said as you flattened out your hair. "Thank you," you said as you took his hand and kissed it. "I don't want to see you being treated like that again."

Michael: Sitting in the parking lot of your school, you and Michael were sitting talking in his car about both of your days. "So, I had another run in with Tyler," you said as he fiddled with the rings on your fingers. "God, he knows that we're dating now. What did he want this time?" "He...he shoved me into the lockers and said I was a worthless bitch," you said blankly, only staring out the window. Suddenly, his hand let go of yours and was pushing the car door open. "Stay in here," he said as he began jogging towards the school building. "Shit," you muttered under your breath as you got out of the car and began following him. "Michael!" You yelled out as you followed him to the theatre. "Michael!" You yelled but someone grabbed you and pushed you against the wall. "Hey sexy," Tyler said in your face. "Oh my god get off me," you said trying to push against his chest. He slapped you hard across the face and pressed his body up against yours. "How about you show me some respect," he said as you whimpered under him. "We aren't even dating any more, why are you doing this to me?" You looked at him and he had an evil grin on his face. "Cause I can. If I can't have you, then why can Clifford have you?" He began kissing your neck and you punched his chest. "I said to stop," he said slapping you again. "Hey, get off my girlfriend!" Michael shouted down the hall. He quickly ran and pushed him off you, pulling your body into his. "Babe, babe it's alright I'm here." You clung onto his body tightly as you cried heavily into his shirt. "You should be disgusted by yourself Tyler," Michael said as he wrapped your legs around his waist as he walked out to his car. "Let me take you to my house, alright? We can watch movies and order pizza?" You nodded and kissed him urgently. "Thank you, I love you so much."

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