5 He gets jealous

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Ashton:  “MINE!” You giggled as you grabbed Luke’s penguin beanie off his head and put it on yours. “NOOOOOO. IT’S MINEEEEE!” Luke yelled, as he chased after you trying to get the beanie back. “Finders keepers. Losers weepers!” You laughed as you ran around and around. “You didn’t find it. You stole it!” Luke yelled as he lunged forward and tackled you as he tried to get the hat back. The two of you rolled around on the floor trying to take the hat. “Got it,” Luke said, inches from your face as he put the beanie back on his head. You both looked into each others eyes as you stood frozen. It almost felt as though the two of you were coming closer together, when you weren’t. However, you were yanked back and pulled up by your boyfriend, Ashton. He didn’t even ask any questions, he just picked you up and threw you over his shoulder before walking out of the room and down the halls. You wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say, resulting in you staying quiet. After about 10 minutes of walking, Ashton put you down and lead you into a room, where he locked the door. He slowly advanced towards you, until you were chest to chest. “[Y/N]… You. Are. Mine.” He slowly spoke, distinctly saying each word. “But I think you may need a little reminder,” he smirked before leaning down and kissing you passionately on the lips.

Calum: You giggled as you waltzed around the room with your friend and boyfriend’s bandmate, Ashton Irwin. He hummed a silly tune and held onto your waist with his hand as your hands were around his neck. He shot you his million dollar smile, known for making girls go crazy. You both continued to dance around the room backstage, giggling and humming. Until you heard someone clear their throat. You turned around to see your boyfriend Calum standing in the doorway. “May I have this dance?” Calum asked, with a smirk on his face. Ashton stepped back and disappeared out the room as you smiled and made your way towards Calum. “Of course,” you grinned as you put your arm around his neck, and he put his arms around your waist. As the two of you danced around the room, he nestled his head into the crook of your neck. “No more trying to make me jealous,” he mumbled against your neck. “What?” You asked innocently. “You know what you were doing,” Calum said, pulling his face up. “Did I?” You smirked. “You did,” he pulling you onto the stage and kissing you to show the entire crew that you were his.

Luke: You were friends with all of your boyfriend’s band mates. However, you were closest to Michael. You were hanging out with him one day and you decided to play fight with each other, which ended with you straddling him as you sat up, holding him down. Both of you blushed furiously, and couldn’t bring yourselves to stand up and move away. “Ahem,” a voice came from the doorway. Your boyfriend Luke, looked in the doorway at the two of you with his eyebrows raised. “Mind telling me what this is?” Luke asked, a bit of an edge to his voice. “We um… fell, after play fighting,” you said, after you realized you had no better way to explain it. “It’s nothing mate,” Michael said, as he got up after you. “Mhm. Can I talk to [Y/N] alone, Michael?” Luke asked, causing Michael to nod and leave the room. “[Y/N], you know, bad girls need to be punished…” Luke smirked, as he came closer to you. “But I’m a good girl,” you bit your lip, looking up at him. “Well, you know what they say. Good girls are just bad girls who haven’t been caught. And you, my dear [Y/N] have been caught,” Luke chuckled, at his cheeky choice of words before leaning down and kissing you.

Michael: “Fine. Don’t come in the water,” you told your boyfriend Michael as you walked to the pool and jumped in. You were just in the water messing around with Ashton, Calum, and Luke when Calum suggested playing the color game. “What’s the color game?” You asked, having never heard of it before. “It’s easy. One person will choose a color. That same person holds the other person in their arms and every time they guess the color incorrectly, they get dunked underwater. But when they guess the color right, they get flipped,” Luke explained to you, as Ashton playfully shunned you for not knowing the game. “I call being partners with [Y/N],” Calum said, with a mischievous smile on his face as he swam over. “Okay…” You said uneasily as Calum held you in his arms. “Alright. I picked a color. Go,” he announced. “Red. Blue. Yellow. Pink. Purple. White. Black. Gray.” You guessed color after color, Calum dunking you into the water. Out of breath and patience, you randomly guessed, “Light black.” Honestly, you had no idea how that was even a color, but it ended up being correct as Calum flipped you over. Your eyes opened since you thought you saw Michael underwater also, but you thought it was just the chlorine messing with your head. Above water again, you smacked Calum’s arm. “Light black?!?! That’s not even a real color!” Before Calum could reply, you felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist and a voice whisper into your ears. “Well making me jealous is a great way to get me into the pool, [Y/N],” Michael said into your ear. You giggled and kissed him to make him feel better. “Awh come on Mikey, Calum has a girlfriend, and I have you,” you replied. He leaned in for another kiss and pulled you away from all the other guys.

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