34 The Carnival

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Luke: it was just a week after his birthday and you two were doing absolutely nothing but laying in bed and occasionally talking. "Luke, Y/N," Liz said opening the door slightly. "You two have done nothing all day but sit in bed. Go to the carnival or something." "The carnival isn't here mum," he said looking at her. "That's why your brother just shoved a five foot tall stuffed animal through the front door." She closed the door and Luke sat fully up. "I bet I can win you one of those," he said as he went to get socks and his vans on. "I bet I can win myself one," you teased back before copying his actions. You looked over at him smiling and you quickly ran out the door, him close behind. Once arriving, he dragged you to the nearest game, one where you had to get a basket of ping pong balls into a plastic cups. If you got all of them then you'd win a massive panda bear. "Don't screw up," you whispered into his ear as he positioned the first ball. He set his eyes and threw ball after ball, every ball landing in a different cup. The man pulled down the massive panda bear and handed it to him. "I got you a present Y/N," he giggled. "Oh my gosh really? What is it?!" You said excitedly. He put the panda in front of his chest and smiled. "Do you like it?" "Oh I love it," you said taking it from him as he kissed you softly.

Ashton: He had just gotten back from tour and you two were chilling at his house when his little brother came in his room. "Ashy, can we go to the carnival?" Harry asked as he struggled to get on the bed. "What do you want to do at the carnival buddy?" Ashton asked, pulling his little brother up and onto his lap. "I wanna go on the big wheel thing," he said smiling. "The Ferris Wheel buddy?" You said sitting up and smiling at him. "Yeah, that! And I wanna go on the loopy roller cars!" He was beaming at this point and looking at you and Ashton excitedly. "I think we can do that," Ashton said smiling at his little brother then at you. "You up for it babe?" "Of course! I'm always up for the carnival!" You said bending over and putting on your shoes. Harry jumped excitedly on the bed as Ashton grabbed his shoes for him. "And do you think we can eat candy floss and play games and go on other rides Y/N?" He asked as you drove to the carnival site. "We can do all of that, I promise Harry." You looked behind you and saw him smiling which made you smile, and in turn Ashton smile. Once you got there, Harry pratically towed Ashton towards the vendor booth for cotton candy. You smiled to yourself and followed after them. "I got us one too," he said holding it in front of you. "Such a gentleman," you said smiling before taking it apart with your fingers and into your mouth. He quickly leaned down and kissed you as you reached up to wrap your hand around the back of your neck. "I wanted to come here to have fun, not watch you two do what you do everyday," Harry whined.

Michael: "Let's go do something today," you said throwing your phone to the side and looking at Michael. "No, physical activity is gross," he said as he rolled away from you. "Michael come on. I'm hyper and need to be entertained," you said punching his side. "I can think of something we could do," he said looking back at you and winking. "No. Let's go to the carnival! They're in town this weekend and I want to go." You began pouting and he sighed heavily. "If we go to the carnival will we do that when we get home?" "Yes," you said kissing him quickly before going to get ready. As you two walked around later that day eating a turkey leg, he stopped walking and turned to look at you. "You know what I just realized about you Y/N?" He said as you took another chunk out of the leg. "What Clifford?" "You actually motivate me to do stuff with my life. And no one has ever really been able to do that to me before." You smiled at him before taking another bite. "So does this mean that the great and mighty Michael Clifford has a reason to go to the gym once a week?" He looked down and chuckled before looking back at you and bringing you in for a hug. "I will waste two hours of my life every Wednesday and go to the gym with you," he said. "I love you Michael," you said as people started to look at the sky as fireworks went off. "I love you too Y/N," he said before kissing you softly as one of the biggest fireworks went off.

Calum: You two had gotten into an argument earlier about who was stronger. "Come on, I mean yeah you maybe strong babe but I'm stronger." "Are you saying because I'm a girl I'm automatically registered as weaker?" You stood in front of him and placed your hands on your hips. "No, I never said that." "You know what? The carnival is in town. They have games to test your strength. Loser has to do laundry for the rest of the month." You stuck out your hand for him to shake. "Deal." He quickly grabbed his car keys and you grabbed your jacket and you two quickly made your way to the carnival. The first game you did was the bottle game, where you had to get the old milk bottles knocked over with a baseball. "Three balls each," the vendor said placing the basket in front of the two of you. You rolled the ball between your fingers before throwing it, hitting the bottles right in the middle and sending them to the grass floor. You turned to the man and he quickly set them back up, and you knocked them down. The guy looked at you, as did Calum, with his jaw dropped. "No one has ever done that so quickly." He reached for a giant teddy bear and handed it to you. "Not everyone has been playing softball since they were five either," you said rolling your head and looking at Calum. You thanked the man and walked to get a block of curly fries. "You never told me you played soft ball. That's really hot," he said leaning against the counter. "You know what else is hot babe?" You said eating a curly fry. "What is that?" "The dryer when my clothes are done," you said winking and walking off towards rides with Calum following, his head hung in defeat.

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