134 One of the boys slap your butt and he gets jealous

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pic: just because butts...

Calum: "What the hell is going on?" You asked as you came into the room and saw the boys running around the room chasing each other and slapping each other's butts. "Break time." Ashton yelled as he ran over to Calum and slapped his butt. Calum turned around and ran full speed at Michael and slapped his. "Butt tag?" You asked as you stood there watching them in amusement. "Yep! And you're it!" Michael ran towards you and slapped your butt making you squeal. Calum stopped and looked over at Michael and gave him a dirty look. "What? It's part of the game!" "Yeah," he started, "But she is my girlfriend and I don't want anyone else touching her bum." He folded his arms across his chest and you raised your eyebrow at him. "Babe," you leaned forward and retracted your arm just in time to slap him on the butt very hard. He jumped and looked over at you, "You're it."

Luke: "One for you," Calum grinned at Michael as he walked by him and gave him a small tap on the bum. "One for you," Ashton walked by and he did the same he just did to Michael. "And two large ones for the love birds." He brought both of his arms back and smacked your butts very hard, making you flinch at the contact. "That was not a small tap." You laughed, turning around to see Calum standing there with a huge grin on his face. "A little too much. You could've done it to me, but not to her." Luke's voice became low, almost like he was growling at Calum. "It was an innocent tap on the bum, Luke, not like I took her into a closet and made out with her." Calum rolled his eyes causing Luke to get even more jealous. "I wouldn't allow you to do that, either!" "It wouldn't happen." Calum shook his head at him in disbelief and walked away from the two of you. "Babe, calm down. No need to be jealous, I'm yours, not his." You leaned up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek making him smile.

Michael: "Good game, (Y/N)!" Ashton grinned at you, giving you a slight tap on the bum. You jumped at the sudden contact and gave Ashton a weird look. "Sorry... It's a sport thing..." He apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. You felt arms being wrapped around your waist securely and you knew Michael saw it. "How about you keep your hands to yourself, yeah?" He growled at his band mate. Ashton raised his hands in surrender and looked at you. "Again, sorry."

Ashton: "I swear to God if you don't move any faster I will slap your ass so hard!" Luke yelled at you as you were sauntering your way up the stairs. You looked back at Luke and laughed, walking up the stairs a little faster, but not fast enough for him. "That's it." You felt his hand hit your butt extremely hard and you could hear the echo of it. You fell on the stairs laughing because he actually did it. "Okay, ow!" "The only one around here that will get to touch her bum is me." You heard Ashton's voice from the top of the stairs. He was glaring at Luke and you chuckled. "Don't worry baby it's all yours." "Damn right it is."

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