33 Two member fighting over you

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Cake: You knew they both liked you, one even saying he loved you. But how could you pick if you liked both? "Y/N do you wanna go to that burger joint in a bit?" Luke asks you as you sit in your house with all of the guys over. "Like on a date?" You say as Ashton walks in front of you with food. "Yes like a date." You watched a hopeful smile spread across his face and you smiled to. He said he loved you, he had always been by you when you hurt, he helped you recover from a broken femur which you should've been handicapped from. "Give me five minutes," you said getting up to go change your shirt. As you got dressed you heard arguing and then a loud smack. You rushed into the living room to see Luke on the floor holding his jaw as Michael and Ashton held Calum back. "What the fuck Calum?!" You yelled at him before slapping him hard across the face. "Come on Y/N don't pick his side, he doesn't care about you!" He yelled, pulling against the restraints of his two friends. "You're bigger then him Calum! And he's your best friend, why would I get in the way of your friendship?" His face softened as he realized your words. You gave him a disgusted look before going to help Luke up. You looked at his jaw and there wasn't much of a bruise forming. "You alright?" You ask as you cradle his face. "Yeah. Wanna go?" He whispers. You nod and turn for your purse and phone. "At least he took care of me in my time of need, who do you have Calum?" You said before walking with Luke. Calum had no idea that Luke helped you multiple times to recover or that he was the one you'd call late at night when you were feeling emotional. Not only did he lose you as a friend, he lost your trust.

Mashton: You worked at the studio the boys recorded and had become close to them. You were close to Michael in the sense of playing guitar and your musicality so getting along with him was easy. But Ashton had the qualities that made you re evaluate your interests in guys. Other than being tall and breathtakingly handsome, he would compliment you at most five times a day, talk to you about school even though he hated it, and would go with you to the store or places like that because you couldn't drive yet. One day, you were working on some paper work when you heard shouting in the other room. You couldn't find out who the voices belonged to, but one thing in particular stood out. "Y/N can pick who ever she wants Michael! It's not a competition!" "Yes it is Ashton! Time is running out and clearly she wants one of us. If you won't make a move then I will!" "For what Clifford? She doesn't like you, she likes me!" You stopped writing and walked out the door, trying to catch more of the conversation. "How do you know Irwin? At least I can make her smile!" "At least I know what makes her smile! Have you ever tried to talk to her? Get inside her head? No, because you don't like her enough to!" "Don't tell me what I know and don't know!" He yelled before you heard a crash and drum symbols crashing against the hard wood floor. You shoved the door open and saw Ashton on the floor. "Michael!" You screamed at him as you rushed to help Ashton up among the debris of the damaged drums. "Ash you ok?" You said hugging him. "I'm fine babe," he said hugging you tighter to his body. "Do you think you can drive us back to my place because its only a ten minute drive." "Yeah, I can make it. Lets go," he said grabbing your arm and helping you over the ruined kit. "I thought you were different Michael," you said as you wrapped an arm around Ashton's waist. The sad thing was Michael thought he was different to. Different enough to win your heart.

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