191 Tour bus shenanigans (smut)

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Luke: You began to giggle but quickly stopped yourself. "Sshh," Luke whispered. "There's not supposed to be girls on the bus after dark. Even you." He quietly closed the door behind him and let you through the bus, his finger pressed to his mouth. He motioned for you to climb into his bottom bunk and within seconds he had joined you in the small space. He lay beside you softly pressing his lips to yours. You opened your mouth to leave his tongue in, both of you holding back moans as he slid on top of you, awkwardly removing his shirt followed by yours. His fingers slipped off your shorts and slowly slid up your leg, rubbing your sweet spot. He kicked off his jeans, leaving a breathy laugh at how difficult it was. You didn't think you could be silent about this. He positioned himself and slowly entered you, placing his hand over your mouth so you wouldn't make a sound. He grabbed your hip with his free hand to steady himself and buried his own mouth into your neck with a muffled moan that sent good vibrations down your body. You found the thrill turned you on and it didn't take you long to reach your high, biting down hard on Luke's hand. "(Y/N)," he whispered harshly over and over again as his rhythm became sloppy and he let go, trying his best to not wake the other boys sleeping around you. He slid off your body and wrapped you in his arms. You quickly fell asleep to the sound of his fast beating heart.

Michael: You loved when Michael had days off and you'd sit in the back lounge of the tour bus playing video games all day"What do you say we make this interesting?" Michael said when you got up to put in FIFA. "I win and you give me a little something," he laughed and motioned towards his crotch. "And if I win?" you smiled. "I'll give you a little something." "Oh it's on, Clifford," you smirked and set up the game. In the end it was a 5 - 5 draw, both of you too determined to lose. "What now?" you asked, throwing down the controller. "We both win," he pushed you against the wall and attacked your lips, expertly gliding his tongue along your bottom lip and moving it into your mouth. Without warning you slid your hand into his pants, a loud moan escaping from his lips as you took his hard on in your hand and began to pump. He dropped his head down onto your shoulder in pleasure and didn't take long to bring his own hand to your sensitive spot, rubbing up and down until you couldn't take it anymore. "Do something," you harshly whispered, his member still in your hand. You felt his fingers push into you and dug your free hand into his back, crying out his name. Both of you were just about to reach your high when the door opened. "Oh hey gu-" Calum stood there blankly. "Bye guys!" he said quickly shutting the door behind him. Michael laughed and went to lock the door so there would be no more interruptions.

Ashton: He insisted on flying you out for a weekend of his tour. You hadn't even been dating Ashton that long and you knew it was sort of a transatlantic booty call but being honest you didn't mind. Everything with Ashton was fun which is why you had no objections when he brought you to his tour bus the moment you arrived. He double checked the door was locked behind you before he roughly pushed you onto the couch in the lounge area. He straddled your waist and pushed his lips onto yours, his tongue begging for entrance that you didn't give him. "(Y/N)," he whined. "Why are you teasing me like this?" he dotted your collarbone with kisses. "It's fun," you giggled. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You guided him to lie down and removed his shirt. You trailed down his exposed chest with kisses and bites, sending a shiver down Ashton. You slipped your fingers into the waistband of his boxers earning an excited moan from above. "You know what?" you snapped his boxers back into place. "I think we should get dinner first." You hopped off him and ran out the door leaving a frustrated Ashton following.

Calum: Your boyfriend had just broken up with you and your friend insisted you both go to a club for the night to get your mind off things. You reluctantly agreed and put on your tightest black dress - if you were going to do this you might as well do it right. You decided to let loose and just dance. It wasn't long before you felt a body behind you, grinding to the beat of the music. Soon you could feel his hard on and you turned to lace your arms around his neck and connect your lips. You'd forgotten how exciting this could be. "Follow me," the tall boy shouted over the music. He took your hand and led you out the back where a couple of buses were parked, pulling you into one of them and tugging off your clothes in the process. He lay you down on a bed in the back, pushing his tongue drunkenly into your mouth and running his hands up and down your chest. Soon he was fumbling in the drawer beside him for a condom. "Let me," you took it from him and expertly placed it with your mouth. "Fuuuuck," he moaned. The sex was a drunken blur to you but you knew you enjoyed it. "I'm Calum, by the way," he told you as he zipped up your dress afterwards. "(Y/N)," you responded, grabbing your heels in your hands. "Can I get a number?" he asked but you had already left.

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