155 He's your brother and he sees a boy flirting with you at the beach

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Ashton: You were at the beach with your brother and his band, tanning. Suddenly this volleyball rolls up to you and stops right in front of you. You pick up the ball and look around until you see this shadow above you. You stand up and smile, "is this your ball?" "Sure is," he says with a grin. "Would you wanna join our game?" he asks. "I'm not too good at volleyball," you say. "I wouldn't mine teaching you a few things." You giggle. Ashton walks up behind the guy and says, "well I would. Now if you wouldn't mine taking a step back from my sister, I'd really appreciate it."

Calum: You were in the water with Calum and Luke just splashing around. "I'm going to go tan for a little," you said as you walked towards your towels and out of the water. "Okay," Calum said, not really caring. The boys splashed around for a bit until something caught Luke's eye. "Hey, Cal," Luke said, staring at you. "Mate, don't stare at my sister. That's gross," Calum said. Luke looked at Calum and rolled his eyes, "no, look at who your sister is talking to. Who's that guy?" "I don't know but he better not touch my sister," Calum responded, now a bit irritated.

Michael: You and Michael were sitting in the shade talking to one of Michael's friends. "I'm going to go get a drink," you said as you got up and walked over to the bar. You waiting for the bar tender to come over when this guy came over to you and put his hand on your waist, "And what's your name, gorgeous?" You looked at him and blushed. Little did you know, Michael was staring at the guy's hand that was on your waist. Michael got up and ran over to you quickly, "her name is Y/N and she is off limits."

Luke: Luke decided to take you to the beach with Calum but when you got there, the boys just wanted to lay back and relax for a while. You wanted to go swimming right away so you immediately ran into the water. By accident, you banged into this guy. "I'm so sorry," you said. "It's okay," he smiled, "are you here alone?" "No, actually I'm here with-" "Her boyfriend," Calum finished for him, "And you should back off." You opened your mouth to say something when the guy put his hands up and walked away, "I'm sorry, I didn't know." "CALUM!" you yelled. "WHY'D YOU DO THAT?" "Luke's orders," Calum smirks, "not mine."

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