145 One of the boys walks in on you

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Michael: The room was filled with quiet moans and soft murmurs and mumbled 'I love yous'. A wave of pleasure rippled through your body, a moan escaped through your mouth as Michael thrusted into you. "Hey Mikey mind if I - holy shit!" You both his under the covers and you peeked out to see Luke looking at the two of you mortified. "If I had known you two were doing that I would have asked Ashton or something... You guys are sick." "The doors closed you could have at least knocked." Michael replied back angrily as he faced you with an apologetic smile. "Gross."

Ashton: "Fuck..." Ashton let out a low growl as he bent his head down and his lips came in contact with your neck; biting, nipping, licking, kissing the skin aggressively as you threw your head back. You both heard the door open and you grabbed everything to cover up as much as possible. "Ashton, (Y/N), the guys and I are going out to see the new Thor movie wanna join - oh no way! You're totally fucking her right now, aren't you?" You cover your face with your hands and you feel Ashton get off of you. "Michael..." Ashton groaned and you heard Michael burst out laughing. "I'll leave you two so you can continue having sex."

Calum: Your fingers clawed at Calum's back as he muttered swear words, nuzzling his head into your neck leaving small kisses on your skin. He thrusted himself a few more times sending a pleasurable sensation throughout your body. "Calum..." Your voice was barely audible. "Calum! When will you be good to - wait one God damn second..." You both heard Ashton say. Both of your heads snapped in his direction. It was quiet for a moment then you all started laughing. "Well, now I know to knock." Ashton chuckled as he stepped out of the room. "Have fun you two." Ashton winked then closed the door behind him. You looked at Calum and his head fell on your shoulder as you both laughed for several minutes.

Luke: His large hands gripped your waist right as you rolled your hips against him. He guided your hips which made the two of you moan in unison. "(Y/N), you feel so good..." His voice was low and raspy, it always turned you on even more. The door to the bedroom was opened and you looked around and saw Calum. Your eyes widened and you tried to get under the cover extremely fast, but it was too late. Calum looked at the two of you with a shocked expression. "I'm so sorry!" He quickly turned around and you hid under the covers, covering your naked bodies. "Is it good to look now?" Luke told him yes and he turned around. He asked what he needed to ask and get from Luke's room then left. You sighed and was about to get out of the bed when Luke grabbed onto you and rolled on top of you. "Who said we had to stop?" He grinned at you and leaned down to kiss you once again.

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