179 Type Of Girl He's Into

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Interviewer: So, since you're all single, here comes the famous question every girl is dying to know the answer to... "What type of girl are you into?"

Ashton: "It's hard finding the right girl, but the type I'm into are the girls who laugh more than they talk. I love listening to girls laugh - it really makes my day 10x better. Girls who make impromptu decisions and go with it are also my type because that means they like the unexpected and everybody knows the unexpected is a lot more fun. I'm looking for a girl who is also quite smarter than me, which is every girl out there. (laughs) I just think it's very attractive in a girl when she knows what she's talking about. Someone who brings out the best in me, you know?"

Calum: "I admit, it's quite difficult to find a girl who could keep up with me. But finding someone who is equally as crazy as me will do. I would love a girl who enjoys making up some random tune just because I was playing a few chords, here and there. I don't know... I like all girls. Girls are amazing. I guess, my type would be girls who are funny because what's a relationship without loads of laughs? Also, a girl who likes to play soccer. She doesn't have to love the sport, but it would be nice to kick the ball around with her on days off. Then at the end of the day, she wouldn't mind a nice cuddle."

Luke: "I'd like a girl who has a passion for music because we could literally talk about music all day. Also, if she played some sort of instrument. But it wouldn't be horrible if she didn't, because then I'd get to teach her how to play guitar. (smiles) And that would be fun. I'm into girls who are comfortable being around loads of people because I'm always surrounded by people everywhere I go and I want her to like that, but of course I'd be there to protect her. I'd prefer it if she was a lot shorter than me, just so I can rest my elbows on her shoulders. Basically, any girl who is easy to talk to, funny, and has a passion for music."

Michael: "Someone who is into video games, like me. (laughs) Only joking, but I mean, if she was a gamer, that would be pretty cool. I like girls who are confident and don't really care what people think because that's pretty much me. Someone who is big on cuddling and would rather stay in all day, eat tons of food, and watch movies than run around outside. Hair color, height, body size doesn't matter to me. All girls are beautiful. I would just like someone who understands my choice in hair color and wouldn't mind helping me level up in my games."

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