12 First time he says 'I love you'

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Luke: You two were at the county fair held once a year and it was the end of the night. Luke had decided to ride the ferris wheel, knowing that there were going to be fireworks lit off. "Come on Y/N, it'll be fun." He started pouting and the ferris wheel had come to a stop, letting passengers on. You sighed, grabbing his hand. "Come on, I don't want to see you pouting." He smiled and held onto your hand tightly as the ride made it's way to the top. When the ride stopped for the fireworks, you were already at the very top. "Hey, Y/N, i have to tell you something," he said as a small firework lit off. "What is it Luke?" He cupped your cheek and rubbed his thumb along your jaw. "I...I love you Y/N." Your jaw dropped a bit and you looked at him, the fireworks illuminating his features. "I love you too, Luke," you whispered, kissing him softly. You felt him smile as the fireworks went off, seeing as you had made some of your own.

Ashton: You had tagged along to one of Harry's soccer games with Ashton, and it was late at night. You sat there, your back leaned against Ashtons chest, cheering on Harry as he made another goal. "Ashton, look what I got!" He said smiling at you and his brother. "Good job buddy! Hey, your team is gonna leave soon. Don't you want to get pizza with them?" "Yeah, I'll see you at home later right?" Ashton nodded and hugged his little brother, before he hugged you. "Bye Y/N. You gonna come home with Ash?" You nodded. "I'll make sure to tell you a story tonight Harry." He smiled before running off with his team. "He really likes you," Ashton whispered into your ear as you sank back against his chest. "I like him too." He kissed your cheek and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Ashton, where do you see us?" "What do you mean babe?" You got up and walked over to the goal post. "I dunno, I mean, do you love me?" You looked at the ground and felt yourself blush. You didn't want to be the person to say you loved him first. "Y/N," he said in a whisper, standing in front of you. His rough hands tilted your head upwards, setting your gaze with his. "I love you with all my heart. Question is do you love me?" "I love you so freaking much," you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him slowly.

Michael: When you couldn't sleep, Michael took you on a walk around the neighborhood. On this particular night, a full moon illuminated the sky and you two settled down at the playground, swinging lazily on the swing sets. "What do you think about that keeps you awake at night Y/N?" He asked as you stopped, just staring at the sky. "I think about you, and my family, and what I want to do with my life. What do you think about Michael?" "I think about the perfect ways to say I love you but every time I think of a situation or try I get to nervous and fuck up." You looked at him, but he was already staring at you. "I love you. I love you Y/N Y/L/N and there isn't a thing in the world I wouldn't do to make you happy." You stared back at him, before getting up. You pulled his shirt collar and while his face was inches from yours, you said the words that he wanted to hear: "Michael Clifford, I've wanted you to tell me that since the day I met you, when I felt that instant connection." He smiled before wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you softly.

Calum: You hadn't seen the boys in a long time, especially Calum. You missed him so much and you missed hearing is voice. One day, a fan tweeted you a link to a twitcam which was a 5SOS interview. You opened it automatically and Calum was already on the screen. "So," the interviewer started off with. "When was the last time you saw your girlfriend Calum?" "I dunno, maybe three months ago. I mean, yeah you have Skype calls and FaceTime but it's not the same as getting to hear her voice in person, or getting to hug her. I miss her hugs a lot. Luke's aren't even good enough!" Everyone laughed for a bit before going on with the questions. "So, Calum. The big question that is on everyone's mind is do you love her? Like, do you genually love her with all your soul, as much as someone can love a person?" He sat there, and you bit your lip, noticing the call in number. You dialed it quickly and you explained to the people you were Calums girlfriend and they agreed to let you talk after his answer. "Honestly, I can say I love Y/N. My life was sort of empty without her there, and now that's she's here I can't bring myself to ever want to let her go." There were 'awes' from the crowd and you felt yourself tear up a bit. "Calum, you want a surprise?" "I love surprises!" The interviewer didn't answer though, you did. "Calum, I love you too." "Y/N? Oh my god, this is amazing. Babe, when I get home next week, I'm going to prove it to you. I promise. I love you baby." You let out a shaky laugh. "I love you too Cal."

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