182 You Share Something

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Ashton: You both shared the same sense of humor. Everyone knew Ashton was a 19 year old with a mind of a 16 year old. He laughed at the silliest things, he made a joke about every little thing he saw, and he just couldn't stay still. Luckily, you were exactly the same. It was strange for you to find someone who understood that life consisted more of laughs than seriousness, but nonetheless, Ashton and you were a great pair. When you two hung out, it was routine for you both to make a joke every 10 minutes and laugh every 3 seconds. You and Ashton didn't like the idea of growing up and that's why you two were basically the same person.

Calum: You two shared his beanies. Since Calum discovered the trend of slouchy beanies, he ended up with a collection holding more than 20 different beanies, and while he was away, he continued to buy more. He loved how it was such an easy way to cover up bad hair, and you couldn't agree more. You enjoyed walking into his room unannounced, looking through his collection. At first, he was a little annoyed, but it happened so constantly, he ended up getting used to it. He would do the honors of picking one out that matched your outfit and place it over your head. While Calum was away, he let you take care of his favorite beanie and that meant a lot to you.

Luke: You two shared his stuffed penguin. It was a gift you gave him for his 16th birthday. His love for penguins was pretty obvious and when you saw it on the shelf during a shopping trip you couldn't leave the store without it. It had become one of his favorite stuffed penguin toys. He took it with him for every one of his travels, but when you wanted it for yourself, he refused, then seconds later he would be handing it over. It was a toy you both loved and took very good care of. Sort of like a child. There were times when Luke held the penguin like a baby and pass it over to you. It was pretty ridiculous, but you dealt with his love for the animal and slowly, it had become one of your favorites too.

Michael: You two shared secrets. A lot of secrets. Since you two were best friends and had been best friends since diapers, there was not a single moment in each of your lives that the other one didn't know about. You both shared humiliating, sappy, angry, and crushing-so-hard kind of secrets. It would either be done while hanging out in his bedroom, or yours, over text or Skype, or while taking walks around your neighborhood. The friendship you had with Michael was something you cherished with your whole heart. He understood you and listened, but most importantly, gave you great advice when you needed it. You wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

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