176 You're Really Close To Another Bandmate

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Ashton: You were really friendly and easy to get a long with. The boys were never hesitant to go to you for questions about whatever, or just to hang out. Being in a relationship with Ashton meant you spent a lot of time with the boys. However, you found Calum slowly becoming one of your best friends. You two were literally the same person, except he was a boy and you were a girl. You two usually hung out in the front of the bus, having interesting chats with the driver and when Ashton wasn't around, Calum would tell you embarrassing stories of Ashton.

Calum: Being in a relationship with Calum meant your life was literally going 500 miles per hour. The boy was crazy and he literally could not stay still, and when you found yourself annoyed of Cal, you usually went to go hang out in the back of the bus with Mike. You two shared a love for Busted and colorful hair. Whenever you wanted to try a new color, you asked Michael for advice. He was your best friend and whenever Calum walked in on you two playing video games, he gave Michael a playful glare and said, "I know you two are best friends, but just watch out, buddy."

Luke: You and Luke had so much in common so the relationship you two had was, in your words, perfect. You loved spending time with him, the boys, and just getting to travel with them whenever they were close by. Since the boys starting doing Keeks, you really wanted to make some of your own, but the boys never wanted to be in them. You went up to Ashton and asked him to do something for your first Keek and he danced around in his underwear. Since then, you two became best friends. You two continued to make tons of Keeks together of you guys just laughing and making fun of the boys. 

Michael: When Michael first told the guys about you, he had mentioned your love for penguins which caught Luke's attention. "She's my new best friend," he said and when you first met him, he said it again. Michael also had bought you a penguin pillow pet that Luke often stole off your bed because he wanted it for himself. The friendship you and Luke had was great. You both told each other everything and when you were all out in public, you communicated through a walkie-talkie app because he thought it looked cool. Something you two did to the other boys for a laugh was ambushing them with Nerf guns.

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