32 You meet your celeb crush and he gets jealous

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Luke: You were sitting in a coffee shop with your boyfriend while in LA just talking about things that were happening in your lives. As he went to get you another cup, you looked to your right and saw someone really familiar. You squinted and saw the name on the cup said Dylan. You mentally freaked out once realizing it was Dylan O'Brien. He went to get up and he slung his messenger bag over his shoulder, accidentally hitting you. "I'm sorry," he said looking directly at you. "No, no it's fine." You mentally kicked yourself because your voice got so high pitched. "Are you sure? It hit you kinda hard," he said readjusting the bag. "I'm fine. I've been hit on accident with worse, like a guitar once but that's the past." You smiled at him and he returned it. "Well I'm sorry about that. Have a nice day," he said waving. You watched him as he left and sighed because he was just so attractive. "Coffee," Luke said quietly as he sat across from you. "Uh huh," you said still in a somewhat daze. "So you telling me I have an amazing effect on you was a lie?" You shook your head and looked at him. "What? No, no he's just my favorite actor and I obsessed over him before I obsessed over you but I date you now," you said taking long sips of coffee. "And besides you have your girl celebrity crush." He smirked and leaned back in his chair. "I don't oogle every time like you though." "Shut up Hemmings," you said drinking your coffee as he quietly laughed to himself.

Ashton: you were a fangirl all thanks to The Hunger Games and when you saw there was going to be a mall tour where you lived that included Liam Hemsworth you tricked Ashton into going. "Why are we here again, you know I hate shopping," he groaned as you tugged him towards the signing booth. You pulled out your copy of Catching Fire and hit Ashton. "Shush ok? We can leave after a couple hours." He eyed your book suspiciously. "We came for the stupid book didn't we?" "It's not stupid!" You hit him again and he chuckled. "Next," the security guard said. You smiled as Jennifer Lawrence asked for your name and signed the front cover, and you internally screamed when Josh Hutcherson gave you a high five. But when you got to Liam, you stopped. You stuttered out your name, and you could feel yourself become more and more awkward when he gave back the book. Ashton was waiting at the end and looked depressed. "What?" You said as you two walked away. "You never looked at me like that," he mumbled. "Ashton, I've looked at you and said I Love You more then I ever will to him," you said wrapping your arm around his and kissing his cheek.

Michael: Alex Gaskarth was one of your favorite band members ever. Even more than Michael but when you met Michael, you fell in love with him, and not the band boy. But when you were sitting in their LA house and he came in smiling. "Why are you so happy?" You asked as he sat next to you. "We get to write with Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low this weekend," he smiled. Your face went from smiling to eyes widened and your facial expression blank. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I have to go though, see my sister and stuff. I'll come back tonight!" You called, heading straight for the door. He didn't know about how you were obsessed with Alex, and if he saw your reaction he would be crushed. You had to plan everything out in your head on how you would be able to meet him. You ended up staying at your sisters for a couple days and Michael texted you to say Alex was there. "Are you gonna come back? I'm lonely without you :(" the message read. "Coming back today, don't worry :)" you replied before driving back. You stood at the front door, pushing it open to immediately hear guitars and singing. Walking in, you kept calm and went to the recording studio. "Hi," you called in, causing papers to stop rustling and four sets of eyes stare at you. You smiled when you saw the green ones of your boyfriend, but died a little when you saw the brown of Alex's. "Thank god your back," Michael said hugging you. You hugged tightly and looked at him. "I had to come back you missed me," you said smiling. "Oh this is Alex by the way Y/N," he said motioning to him. "Michael hasn't shut up about you my god," he said shaking your hand. You smiled brightly at him and nodded. "Well I guess it's good I'm back!" You said as he smiled back. He sat back down and started talking to Calum as Michael pulled you into the kitchen. "I've never seen you smile like that," he says as you lean against the counter. "I like All Time Low, can you get mad at me for smiling after meeting someone I've liked since I was 14?" He looked down and then back at you. "Just promise to not leave." He held out his pinky. "Promise," you said linking it with his.

Calum: It was time for the Teen Choice Awards and you and Calum went as a date. You were an actress and was nominated for favorite actress and you waited patiently as the other nominees went by. "And the winner is, Y/N Y/L/N!" Lucy Hale said into the microphone. You smiled and hugged Calum tightly before going up to accept the award. "Wow, uhm thanks. I don't have much of a speech so I guess I'll keep it brief. I'd like to thank my mom and dad for supporting me when I said I didn't want to take the traditional learning route. I'd like to thank my fellow co stars for putting up with my crap all the time on set because I can be annoying, just admit it now. And I'd like to thank my boyfriend Calum for telling me I could do it and sending me motivational texts before I'd go film. So thank you and thank you guys for this awesome award!" You shouted into the microphone before stepping onto the side stage and listening to the male nominees. "And the winner is Logan Lerman!" Lucy called again. You felt your heart race a bit because you loved Logan and had always wanted to meet him. He ran onto the stage and made his speech. "And I think honestly the nominees were awesome this year, and I'm glad Y/N won because I've watched her and she, she honestly worked so hard for this. So good job Y/N," he said smiling over at you. You smiled back and went to hug him. The crowd clapped and you were escorted back stage. As you went back to your seat, you saw Calum was tensed up. "What's wrong?" You asked as you grabbed his hand. "I didn't like the way he hugged you," he said as the show went on. "But I'm not with him I'm with you," you said turning his face to look at you. "You'll always be with me right?" "Right," you said kissing him softly.

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