29 He meets your best friend

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Luke: "Come on, she's bringing her boyfriend!" You said as you struggled to pull your boyfriend out of bed. "I don't wake up this early for breakfast unless you make it," he groaned as he threw a pillow at you. "She wants to come on I don't spend time with my friends anymore because of you!" You said taking the pillow and beating him with it. "Stop abusing me and I'll go." "You mean it?" "Just get off me so we can do this already," he said sitting up and kissing your forehead. ****** "Y/N!" She squealed as you walked into the restaurant. "Y/F/N! I haven't seen you in ages my god. How are you?" You ask as you two walk in front of your boyfriends to a table. "Fine. That's Adam, we just moved in a couple weeks ago." You looked over at Luke who was being quite. "Luke and I moved in two months ago. He didn't want to get up this morning." "Neither did Adam," she says as she took a seat by him. "Say hi," you said kicking him under the table. "Hi Y/F/N, nice to meet you," he says, reaching out his hand. "Y/N is always texting me about you. You're the first guy she's told me about that this happens with." She said smiling. "Well she is a one of a kind isn't she?" He said which caused you to smile.

Ashton: Your friend was one of the best radio hosts in your city, and when your boyfriend said his band was going to be interviewed by her, you pleaded with him to go with. "Why do you want to go so badly? You know that they're gonna ask the same questions as always." "Ashton, please? I've been to all your other ones but I really wanna do this one." "Fine, you can come. Just...please don't embarrass me or anything? I don't want to have to goof up because of your beautiful face." You nodded and he kissed you softly before going to get himself ready. You were already ready so you drove to the station and walked into your friends booth. "Y/N! What're you doing here?!" She said hugging you tightly. "Y/F/N you're interviewing my boyfriend in a like half an hour!" She stepped back and looked at you in awe. "You're dating someone in Five Seconds of Summer! Why haven't you told me?" "I got a new phone and last all my contacts," you said sitting down in her chair. "Well, I guess you'll have to give me your number. Who are you dating?" She asked as she wrote down her number. "Ashton," you said smiling. "I guess, I'll have to change some of my answers." You laughed at your friend as she took out her notes and got her questions. Later as the boys sat down and answered questions, she turned to Ashton. "So Ashton how has your relationship with Y/N been going?" He looked at you standing against the wall on your phone. "Fantastic. She's the best thing in my life so far." "Well, if you ever hurt my best friend I will find you, remember that," she said turning over to Ashton.

Michael: Your friend had texted you during the day and asked if you wanted to go bowling later at night. "Bring your boyfriend maybe?" She texted. You considered it and looked over at Michael as he was sleeping on the couch. But you had never really gone through a relationship without your friend meeting your boyfriend and she hadn't met him in the six months you were dating. "Michael," you said quietly next to his ear. He barely stirred and you pressed down on his chest. "Michael wake up come on," you said as you applied more pressure. "Why are you waking me up?" He groaned, slowly opening his eyes to reveal the green irises you loved underneath. "My friend invited me to go bowling and said to bring my boyfriend." He had pulled you on top of him and his hands rested on the curve above your butt. "Do you find it necessary that I go with you?" He asked as you looked at him questioningly. "Yes, she always meets my boyfriends. And you're my first serious one in a long time." He sighed before sitting up and walking towards the bedroom. "I'll drive there," he said as he went to go change his clothes. The whole ride was filled with anticipation of what your friend would think of him. "She's really nice, I promise." you said as you got out of the car. He grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him. "She better be if she's your best friend," he said as you looked around for her. "Y/N!" She ran over to you and pulled you into a hug. "Y/F/N! How long it's been my god," you said as you pulled away from her. "This is Michael," you said grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the two of you. "Michael," she said shaking his hand. "You have the same color of hair like my friend Tyler." "He's a good guy I hope," he chuckled as you walked to get shoes. "I like him already," she whispered into your ear.

Calum: "I hate Starbucks so much why here. Do you hate me? I'm a good boyfriend what have I done to you huh? Get me out of this place." "Calum, shut the hell up oh my god. Just drink your coffee or I will spill it on you," you said glaring at him while scrolling on your phone. "This is where gross girls hang out." "Calum, just please. Shut up for my sake." You took a drink of your coffee and looked around as Calum groaned and drank his. "Oh my god, is that her?" you questioned yourself as you saw a girl with long, black hair come in. "Y/F/N?" You said, walking up to the counter. "I'm sorry- Y/N! Oh my god it's been so long!" She quickly hugged you after setting her coffee down. "How have you been? Are you still dating the same guy from the last time we talked?" "Yeah, his name is Mark I can't believe I never mentioned his name! Are you still dating that guy Corey?" You looked over at Calum as he looked back at you with admiration. "Uhm, not Corey. His name is Calum." You smiled back at him and he got up and walked over to you quickly. "HI babe," he said kissing your cheek. "Y/F/N, this is Calum. Calum, this is my friend Y/F/N." "Wow, you really are a lot more better looking than her last boyfriend." You shoved her playfully and leaned into Calum. "Don't worry babe, it was two years ago. And I love you more." He smiled before wrapping his arms around you. "I hope you treat her better than he did," she said walking with you two back to your table.

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