131 He sees you after the breakup

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Michael: His head hangs low after he saw you in the park. You were sitting down on a patch of grass reading a book and all he could remember was how you used to read books while lying on his lap. He quickly left the park before he started to cry in public.

Ashton: He saw you with another guy laughing and smiling and he felt happy for a second knowing that you were happy, but then felt a pang of sadness run through his body. He knew he made a bad decision and now it was coming back to bite him in the ass.

Calum: You stood in front of him in line and he held back from talking to you, but he just needed to hear your voice one more time. He missed you so much and he wish he could change what happened between you two, but he knew things would never be the same. Calum took a deep breath and exited the coffee shop before he did something he would regret.

Luke: He was sitting on his door steps just enjoying the fresh air when he saw you walking across the street walking your dog. His eyes watched your every move and he suddenly felt sad. He hadn't seen you since you broke up and he was still heartbroken. He sniffled and quickly got up and walked into the house before you could see him.

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