158 You're a bad influence

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Luke: You had tattoos and if there was one thing that Liz didn't want his son to get, it was a tattoo. Liz always thought that since you had one, you'd pressure Luke into getting one. But she wasn't exactly wrong. All of his friends had tattoos and he'd been wanting to get one but his girlfriend getting a tattoo was the last straw. He finally decided to get one. "Are you sure you want it?" you asked. "Positive," Luke smiled at you, "my mom's gonna kill me."

Ashton: "But the party is tonight, Ash," you said. "But my parents really want to meet you." "Can't I meet them another time?" you asked. "Don't you want to meet my parents?" Ashton replied. You walked up to Ashton and put your hands on his shoulders. "I do, but can't we do that any other night? This party is only tonight," you whispered in his ear as you licked his earlobe. (I honestly don't even know...) "I guess," Ashton gave in, "I'll call my parents to cancel... again."

Calum: You two were sitting down, dressed very nicely, for Mali's wedding. You got a little bored so you put your hand on Calum's thigh, in hopes of entertaining yourself. You got what you wanted because you soon felt Calum squirm under your touch. "Meet me in the bathroom in two minutes," you whispered to Calum as you got up and went to the bathroom. If Calum was the same person he was three months ago, Calum would've refused because that would be such a horrible thing to do in the bathroom at your own sister's wedding, but Calum wasn't the same Calum he was three months ago. Calum had changed a lot. And this new Calum was so eager to meet his girlfriend in the bathroom that he didn't even think twice about what he was doing.

Michael: "Tell everyone to come at 6pm, the party starts then," you ended the call with your friend. "But babe, my parents said no parties!" "Listen, Mikey. What they don't know won't hurt them. We can clean it up before they get home and there won't even be that many people," you told Michael. "But-" "Come on, Mikey, it'll be fun," you smirked. You knew he'd give in because you had him wrapped around your finger.

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