195 You're shorter than him

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Ashton: Ashton had a really annoying habit of pointing out your height. It was embarrassing enough that you had to go on your tip toes if you wanted to kiss him first without him laughing at you for it. Eventually you gave up, and if he wanted to kiss you he'd set you on a countertop or lift you around his waist.

Calum: You being a good foot shorter than Calum never stopped you from kicking his ass at soccer. You two would often have one-on-one games in your backyards where you'd effortlessly twirl around him, stealing the ball before he would even notice you were behind him. Your height meant you could duck under his arms, although sometimes he'd catch you and pull you into his chest for a massive hug.

Luke: When you first met Luke his height was the most intimidating thing about him and it definitely took you time to get used to it. You'd always opted to date guys who were only a little but taller than you, but from your view Luke was a giant. At the beginning of your relationship he noticed that you would give him funny looks as he towered over you and he made sure that you realised he wasn't scary, but more like a cuddly bear by enveloping you in gigantic hugs that made you feel incredibly safe.

Michael: Your height compared to your boyfriend Michael's was never an issue until some of his fans started pointing it out. She's like an elf next to him, you read online. Michael saw you were upset over it so he made you laugh and joke about it. That Christmas he bought you both elf costumes. "Now we're the same species," he told you funnily while he struggled to pull on the red tights.

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