44 Break up

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Luke: “Then explain, explain why you were kissing her when you were supposedly visiting your brothers!” You threw the magazine at him that practically said it all. He was holding a girl closely, his hands all over her and her hands equally all over him. “I…I was drunk.” He didn’t even sound sorry about it, he just knew he was defeated. “Is that the type of girl you want then Luke?! Someone clearly prettier than me and skinnier than me and one that’s always gonna be there?” “She wasn’t prettier than you, and I know you can’t always be there because you have work and school and-“ you stopped paying attention to him. You went to the front door where your car keys, purse, and jacket where waiting for you. “If this how it’s gonna be…then why do I keep trying?” “Please don’t leave me.” His voice cracked with desperation. “No…I can’t do this if I’m keep getting hurt. I’ll come get my stuff tomorrow.” “Y/N please!” He called out to you, but the front door was shut, and you were gone.

Ashton: It was the next morning, and you swore that Ashton was going to be home by at least one in the morning. You looked at your phone and noticed one text from your friend. “Ashton went home with some other girl last night…” You put your phone down and took a deep breath before screaming profanities at the floor. Lately, he had been caught sleeping with other women but you didn’t want to believe it was true. Now, your best friend had confirmed your thoughts for you. You were broken, lying on the kitchen floor crying harshly. The front door opened and your head shot up. “Don’t give him the attention,” you said. “Babe, why are you on the floor?” You could hear him coming closer to you, but you quickly stood up. “I’m not your babe. I’m not anything to you. We’re done.” You pushed past him and went upstairs to get your stuff. “What? Stop,” he said grabbing your hands away from your bag. “I can just get it back later. Y/F/N told me how she saw you all over some slut and how you two went home together. I had my suspicions, and now I know you’re not the one I thought you were. Goodbye Ashton.” You pushed past him, your bag in your hand, and him out of your life.

Michael: Everyday, all he would do is ignore you. He’d be busy sleeping, or playing GTA V, or being with his friends. You understood he needed sleep, but he bought the stupid game while he was still on tour, and he’s spent the last six or seven months with his friends and not with you. It made you upset, he’s your boyfriend who claims to love you and he’s just sitting there ignoring you. “Michael?” You said one day as he started to play GTA V for the umpteenth time that week. “Michael, don’t you wanna go to the movies, or go bowling or something?” You stood in the doorway with your purse and car keys in hand, ready for him to go and drop the controller and go with you. “No, I just want to play the game alright? I’m close to beating it.” That is when you hit your breaking point. “DAMMIT MICHAEL! ALL YOU EVER DO IS PLAY YOUR STUPID GAMES AND GO OUT WITH YOUR STUPID FRIENDS! I HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN SEVEN MONTHS. SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! I’VE MISSED YOU SO DAMN MUCH…And you don’t even give a shit!” You broke down on the floor crying into your sleeves. “God, why are you s clingy all of a sudden?! I can’t have some leisure time without you breathing down my neck?!” “Clearly I’m not as important as your friends or your game, so I’ll just get out of your life.” You got up and walked to the door. “Are you leaving me?!” “Bye Michael, hope you find someone that doesn’t breath down your neck and isn’t as clingy.”

Calum: It was your one year anniversary, and Calum had asked you to meet him at a well known restaurant in the city. He told you to get there at five thirty, and now it was seven thirty and he still hadn’t showed up. You gave up, paying the bill and going home. When you walked in, you saw him on the sofa with another girl on top of him and him squeezing her ass. “CALUM THOMAS HOOD!” You yelled and he immediately pushed the girl off him. “Shit, Y/N.” “Did you even remember tonight was our one year anniversary? I bet it’s not her one year anniversary!” You said throwing a book at him. “I’m sorry, this isn’t-“ “IT’S EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! AND IT LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE A NEW GIRLFRIEND ANYWAYS SO HAVE FUN TOGETHER!” You went for the door but he quickly shut it. “Please, please let me explain.” “I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon to get my stuff. Have fun together,” you said opening the door and going to your moms house crying.

"getting back together" will be next part

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