109 He loves you, but you have a boyfriend (part 2)

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Michael: You had arrived at your boyfriend's a little earlier and you were having fun, but you couldn't get your mind off of Michael. What he said about being in love with you just had taken you by surprise. You never thought he thought of you as more than a friend. He's never mentioned anything about it before, so why would he bring it up now when you're going to meet your boyfriend's parents; which happens to be a pretty huge thing in a relationship, to you anyway. "You okay? You seem a bit distracted." Nathaniel asked you as he rubbed your thigh. Your eyes looked down at his hands then traveled up to meet his gaze. "Yeah, just some stuff with Michael that's all." You forced a smile onto your face and he nodded his head. "Is he okay?" "Yeah! He's fine. Just some... Personal stuff." You kissed his cheek and he nodded his head slowly, not asking any more questions. You weren't about to tell your boyfriend that your best friend was in love with you. You didn't even want to know what Nathaniel would do. You knew he could get quite jealous and he still does when you're out with Michael, so if he knew Michael was in love with you he would just go nuts. You loved both of them and didn't want to lose either of them and that would either end up losing one, the other, or even worse; both. You weren't going to risk that. The rest of the night went well and his parents loved you. They were extremely sweet and made really good food, but throughout the whole night something kept bugging you about Michael. You couldn't get what he said to you off your mind. You felt like you needed to leave and go talk to him, but you weren't sure if that was the right thing to do. He might have wanted some space, but the way you left him after he had built up the courage to tell you how he really feels was an asshole move. You could've stayed, but you didn't. You just ditched him and who knows what is running through his mind right now. You looked over at Nathaniel and sighed. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have to go. My parents wanted me home before nine." You smiled at his parents and they both hugged you. Nathaniel walked you to the door and offered to walk you home, but you told him no because you weren't actually going home, but he didn't have to know that. He gave you a kiss goodbye and you were on your way to Michael's house. After your walk you finally got to his house and walked up the front stops to his door. You knocked on the door and remembered Michael was home alone for the night so you just opened the door. You looked around and figured he was probably still in his room. You walked up the stairs quietly and noticed his door was closed. Either he was playing games, or he was asleep. You slowly opened the door and saw the back of a girls head in Michael's bed. You gasped and they both turned around to look at you. "Oh my god. I am so sorry. I thought it was just you here and wow. I should leave." You awkwardly turned around and saw Michael jump out of the bed. You were at the bottom of the stairs when he caught up to you and turned you around. "What are you doing here?" "I came back to talk to you! I was an asshole and just left you without even letting you talk about it." You told him and he looked back up the stairs and sighed, dragging you into his parents room. He shut the door behind the two of you and you stood there awkwardly. "Who's that?" He looked over at you confused. "Who's who?" "The girl in your bed you were making out with?" You asked him as if what he asked was the stupidest question ever. "Oh, um, a girl I know. Look, what I said-" "Why didn't you tell me?" You interrupted him, not letting him finish what he was going to say. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He walked around your body and sat down on his parents bed and laid down. "Because it wouldn't have made a different if I told you three months ago, or three months from now." You looked at your best friend who was lying on his parents bed and looked tired and upset. You hated seeing him like that and you hated if even more because you were the reason behind it. "I'm sorry." You said as you sat down beside him, lying back on the bed. He turned to face you and shrugged his shoulders. "You have no control over what I am feeling. You can't help who you fall for and I just so happened to fall for my best friend. Unfortunately, she doesn't feel the same way about me, but I can't help that. I obviously wish I could be Nathaniel and be able to kiss you and hold you in my arms and -" You eyed him down and he laughed. "Sorry, I got carried away, but even though I can't do those things I'm still happy I get to be with you. You're my best friend and I'm content with being that." He told you and you smiled at him, cuddling up to him. "I'm sorry I can't love you like you love me." You told him and he laughed, stroking your hair. "It's not problem. Like I said; you can't help who you fall for." "Now, if it's alright," He sat up and you moved up with him, "I have a girl in my room who is probably extremely confused, so I'm going to go back to that. I'll see you on Monday." He kissed your forehead, letting his lips linger on your forehead before walking you to the door.

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