148 New years

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Michael: The two of you go out to a friends party and spend the night mingling and making out. By the time five minutes to midnight rolled around Michael took you outside to look up at the starry sky. You were confused on why you weren't inside with everybody else, but you weren't complaining because you were with Michael. "I'm just really happy that I get to end 2014 with you and start 2015 with you. You are so beautiful and I love your nose a lot. It's really cute, you know?" He poked you nose and you laughed at him. His drunken words making you smile. A few moments later you could hear everyone inside counting down. You looked over at Michael and he grabbed onto you and leaned closer. "3,2,1." And his lips were on yours.

Ashton: He wanted to take you out to a bar for New Years because he knew from previous times how much fun it was on New Years. He also wanted to see you all dressed up in that new black dress you had been dying to wear. Although, he just wanted to rip it off of your body when you got back to his place but you didn't mind. After dancing together and sharing drunken kisses it was finally time for the countdown. The whole bar was counting down and you put your drink in the air as you counted down with everyone else around you. "5,4,3,2,1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" People screamed and you saw others hugging and strangers kissing. You turned to Ashton and he grinned at you. "You haven't kissed me since last year." You pouted as you leaned up. He kissed you softly and slowly moved his hands down your back, landing on your bum. You smiled into the kiss and he pulled away leaning in closer to your ear and whispering "I also haven't fucked you since last year. That needs to change."

Calum: "Happy fucking New Years!" Calum yelled as he tackled you to the ground. You laughed and pushed his body off of yours. It was only nine and Calum was already shit faced. He invited you to his house for New Years because he knew you weren't big on big parties or events, especially if you didn't know many people. "It's not midnight yet, babe." You smiled at him and sat down on the couch. You both spent the next few hours playing some drinking games with his family and watching Calum get even more drunk. When it finally hit midnight Calum grabbed onto you and kissed you a few seconds before the countdown ended. He then broke the kiss a minute later and you stood there, blushing. His family had just seen you two make out. "Perfect ending to 2014 and a perfect beginning to 2015." He grinned and you shook your head at how cheesy he was.

Luke: Your plans got cancelled with the group of your girlfriends, so instead you tagged along with Luke and the band. You didn't mind because he had invited you earlier and you also were pretty close with them so it wouldn't be boring. You all went out for dinner and went back to Ashton's place for a small party he was having. His apartment was full of people and you were having a blast even when Luke disappeared you still talked to other people around you. Finally 2014 was coming to an end and Luke took you outside onto Ashton's balcony. He held onto your hands and smiled at you as everyone else was counting down. Luke whispered the numbers as he moved in closer to you. You kept your smile on your face as he kissed once the countdown was over and everyone was cheering. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He pulled away before it became too heated. "Happy New Years babe. I love you so much." He grinned, kissing you once again.

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