37 You jealous of him with fans at the pool

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Luke: Getting to spend time away with him was the best, and since he was on break for a month, you decided to go to Hawaii for a few weeks before going home. "It's nice to just relax," you say as you sit on the lounging chair and he takes off his shirt. "Yeah, but you know there will be fans here," he says sitting next to you. "Do you always have to ruin the mood Luke?" You say before hitting him in the arm. "You know I do babe," he says grab king your hand and letting it fall towards the sand surrounding the beach. Off in the distance you started to hear screams and you clenched your jaw. Luke didn't hear it because he was off getting drinks. You sat up and looked out at the water. "Drink for you miss," he said with a drink in front of your face. "Thank you kind sir," you giggled before taking it from him. He sat down next to you and looked over at where the screams were coming from. "I would've been here faster but fans got to me," he said with the straw between his teeth. "I just wished they knew I have to have quality time with you and-" but he quickly leaned over and kissed you. "We have two weeks here and I can assure you we will have plenty of quality time."

Ashton: Living with your boyfriend on a tour bus was awful, especially with three other guys. So when they were in a hotel and not on the bus, you automatically retreated to the pool. "Someone working on a sexy tan I see," he said laughing. You looked at him over your aviators and winked. "You're white too Ashton," you said, smiling as he whined. "Will you go in the pool with me?" He asked as he pushed his Ray Bans onto the bridge of his nose. You thought for a second before grabbing his out reached hand. The pool was relatively deserted so you two planned on jumping in together. As you stood there thinking about whether this was a smart idea or not, two fans ran up to him and asked for a picture. You sighed as he was pulled away for three minutes and took pictures with girls no younger then 12. "Ready?" He asked coming back. "Yeah," you said and the disappointment in your voice was obvious. "What's wrong?" "You're always with everyone but me and I miss you." He pouted before giving you a hug. "I'm always gonna be here. But this water isn't so," he said pushing you away and throwing you into the deep end. "Ashton!" You said in surprise when you bobbed back up. He laughed before jumping in beside you.

Michael: It was hot inside the hotel room and you couldn't stand it anymore. You slipped on your bathing suit and Michael followed suit, following you into the somewhat cooler pool area. "Wanna get food first or go swimming?" He asked as you pulled your hair back into a pony tail. "Is that an actual question? I'll go get us seats at the bar," you said kissing his cheek. As you sat down, you looked around for him. He couldn't have forgotten anything, so where was he? You looked around again until you saw him talking to three or four girls. You sighed because this was one of the rare moments he could spend time with you. You sat in the swivel chair and kicked around until the waiter came by with your drinks and Michael showing up shortly after. "Sorry babe, they wanted a picture and-" "I know Michael, you have to make them happy." You picked up your drink and sipped it, feeling sadness as it slid down your throat. "Actually I told them I couldn't because I had someone special to spend time with." He grabbed your hand and rubbed your knuckles with his thumb. "You will always come first Y/N," he says as you lean over the table and kiss his cheek.

Calum: you loved going swimming because of how the water made you forget everything around you and how your boyfriend would engage you into a water war. "Calum stop!" You giggled loudly as he pulled you into him and raised you out of the water. "Princess doesn't want to get her hair wet?" He kids as he lowers your head towards the chlorinated water. "Please don't not today!" You shrieked as he got your pony tail wet. He laughed as he brought you back up to kiss you. "Calum, over here please!" Fans shrieked as you two were enjoying yourselves. You groaned and looked down at the distortion of your feet in the water. "What babe?" He asks as he looks from the fans to you. "The interrupt everything, that's all." He tilted your chin upward and looked down into your eyes. "Are you jealous?" "No, just upset they get your attention more then I do." You closed your eyes and stepped away but didn't end up going very far. His arms pulled you back into him and he immediately pressed his lips against yours. "I see a different fan every day, but I only have you for so long." You smiled and pulled his face down again for another kiss.

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