2 Accidentally turning them on

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Ashton: It would be right before he went onstage. You guys would be fooling around beforehand and you'd get him a little bit heated as he was called to the stage. Thank god he had a drum set to hide behind.

Calum: It would probably be on the tour bus. You would all be hanging out and you'd just be hanging out on the couch with Calum, and lounging on his lap. You'd sneakily run out hands down his sides and onto his thighs, causing him to stir under you. As you moved yourself around slightly, he'd excuse himself and walk to the back of the bus, giving you a look that says 'follow'.

Luke: It would probably be out in public. It was the first time you had seen him that day and he really loved what you were wearing. He couldn't take his eyes off of you since the moment you stepped out of the hotel room. He was very handsy that night.

Michael: You would be bored as you watched Michael play video games. You were playing with him, but you always gave up way before he did. "Michael," You nudged him, trying to get his attention on you. "Babe, I have to beat this." He said. "I'm bored." You sighed, nudging him again. "Just let me finish th --" He stopped as he shot someone on screen. You began rubbing his leg, going up further each time, not knowing what you were doing to him. "Stop." He'd whisper, still trying to pay attention to the game. Eventually he gave up and payed attention to you.

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