110 You're their opening act and it's your first gig

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Michael: You could hear the screams of the thousands of girls coming from the stage. You stood at the side and looked out to see that the seats were full and that made you happy for the boys. "You okay?" You heard a voice say from behind you. You turned around and nodded your head. "Just a little nervous, that's all." You gave him a smile and looked at you for a second then leaned in and gave you a hug. "You'll do amazing, don't worry."

Ashton: "Are you ready?!" "I am ready!" You yelled back for at least the hundredth time within the last ten minutes. You were scared to go on stage to open for the boys, but Ashton had been trying to hype you up and it was working. "So get out there and sing your ass off with your beautiful voice and face!" He yelled and you laughed and nodded, turning around and running onto the stage.

Calum: "I'm sorry if I suck and people hate me." You told all of the boys a little before you were supposed to be on stage. "You won't suck!" Luke chimed in and you laughed slightly. "There's no way in hell would you suck, (Y/N). Your voice is amazing. Why else would we choose you to open for us? Because you're pretty? Well, that is a nice thing and all, but your voice is just beautiful. They'll love you." Calum smiled over at you which caused you to blush. "You'll kick ass!" Michael said as he threw his arms around your shoulders. You smiled at what they all saying and had an amazing first concert.

Luke: "I'm so excited!" You jumped around back stage with your best friend. You had invited her backstage just for a bit with you for two reasons. 1) she wanted to meet 5sos and 2) she's always wanted to see what backstage looks like. "I'm exicted for you!" She smiled over at you and you couldn't help but lout out another squeal. Suddenly you heard footsteps and turned to see Luke and Calum smiling at you. "You ready?" Calum asked and you nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be." "Let's get your beautiful self ready then." Luke smiled over at you and extended his hand. You happily grabbed it as he lead you towards the stage, your best friend giving you a wink in the process.

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