63 You're both in high school

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A S H T O N : "Hello Danny. Good morning Jessica. Good to see you again, Phillip!" Ashton greets as he marched down the hallway, patting a few backs and waving at a few. He knew everyone, being the popular kid. Everyone had heard of Ashton Irwin, the cute kid who attended parties to, not hook up with girls but, to have fun with his best mates. He wasn’t the type to hump and dump like his friends, which made him such a heart throb at school. He was very obnoxious and fun and not to mention easy on the eyes, and so his popularity grew as he did. 

He continued with his usual greetings before stopping in front of you, his brows furrowed as he bit his lip. “Wait, who are you?” He questioned, tilting his head slightly to give you a better look.

"I’m (Y/N)," You shyly responded, brushing a piece of hair behind your ears. You’ve heard of Ashton Irwin, the attractive young man who you happened to admire ever since the two of you were young. You didn’t know each other and it was more of an intense crush, to be honest. You knew you should have probably done something spontaneous and memorable so that he could be as fascinated by you as you were to him, but you weren’t the type to do so. But you couldn’t help but feel your heart melt as he looked you up and down which his light eyes.

"Well hello (Y/N)," he smirked, his greeting coming more flirtatious by this time around. "You must be a freshman. I’m a senior," he shrugged as he extended a hand.

"Yeah, I know," you laughed before your smile faltered, realizing how creepy it had sounded. "I mean, I didn’t know, I just sort of figured," you nervously chuckled, your hand landing in his and giving it a light shake.

"Yeah," he beamed before he grabbed your schedule that you had been holding in your other free hand. "Oh, I’ve had your biology teacher before. Such a fucking dick," he mumbled. "Biology honors? As a freshman?" He inquired, going a bit wide eyed.

"I’ve always sort of..liked science. Like, all the space things and everything. I guess it’s just something that I used to an advantage," you shrugged, feeling heat rise up your neck.

"So you’re super smart then," he observed, skimming over the rest of your schedule. "How about I walk you to your first period?" He offered, his arm resting around your shoulder as he dragged you along. "I’ll show you around if you’d like too," he insisted as the two of you walked down the halls.

C A L U M : You were a cheerleader. You’ve been cheer leading for as long as you could remember. It was as if the heavens just injected you with cheer leading, it was as if it ran through your veins. You loved the feel of being at the top of the pyramid, all eyes on you as you beamed at the crowd. You loved it. So it wasn’t a surprise to you when you were recruited into your high school cheer leading team in your freshman year.

You stood, being held up by your two friends, and you waved your pom poms at the crowd shouting various phrases that consisted of “go team go” or “we can do it.” Your eyes scanned the crowd, searching for your friends. However your eyes stopped at one particular male, definitely not a freshman, with dark brown hair that had been covered with a beanie, a few pieces of hair slipping out from the front. You watched as he rolled his eyes at the cheerleading team and stand, walking out of his aisle with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey!" You called, attempting to grab his attention. Luckily, your attempt worked.

The boy pointed towards himself before mouthing “me”, you nodding your head and gesturing for him to walk down towards the fence that separated the crowd and the cheer leaders. He did as you told him to and your friends set you down on the ground, you jogging towards the fence, your high pony tail swinging from side to side.

"What do you want?" He yelled over the shouts of encouragement that came from the remainder of your peers.

"Are you not planning on staying for the rest of the game?" You questioned, a hand resting on the fence as you rocked back and forth on your heels.

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