139 You turn him on at the most inappropriate moment

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Michael: "Hey babe?" You called out to Michael as you stood in the change room. You opened the door slightly and poked your head out. He was over in the section where they had all of the panties. You shook your head at him. Such a typical thing of him to do. "You should get these!" He held up a pair of bottomless underwear and you scoffed, shaking your head at him. "Never in a million years." You laughed as you continued looking at him. "Oh, do you need me?" "Yes, can you grab me my purse? I need my phone." He slowly trotted over towards you and grabbed the purse that was sitting outside of the change room. He reached inside and handed you your phone. "Why do you need your phone? You're trying on bras..." "I need to compare which ones look better." You sighed as you were about to closer the door to the small room. He stopped you and gave you a certain look and you knew exactly what it meant. "No, no, and no. The answer is no." You scolded him and quickly closed the door before he could just walk in there with you. You had taken the pictures of the bras and compared them and got out of the change room. You walked towards the cashier, but before you did you noticed Michael staring at your phone. Your eyes widened and you realized you didn't delete the pictures yet. His jaw dropped and you ran over to him, grabbing the phone from him. He looked up at you and gulped. "I, ugh, I gotta go to the bathroom and...yeah." He quickly ran out of the store. Typical boy.

Ashton: "Hey stud," You grinned as you walked over to your boyfriend who was sitting at a desk looking over some music sheets. His eyes wandered up to your face, but slowly fell down to your now exposed cleavage. He gulped and looked back up at you. "Shouldn't you be at work?" "I got the day off. I told you that already." You smiled at him as you leaned down onto the desk he was sitting at. His eyes went straight to your chest and you heard him sigh loudly. "(Y/N), the boys are literally right over there and-" "I'm not doing anything. I just came to visit my boyfriend I didn't think that was such a bad thing." You whined, pushing together your boobs a little more. You knew he loved when you wore low cut shirts and you knew how much he loved your chest. "I-I-You're making this very difficult for me to do my work, (Y/N)." His voice became low all of a sudden and you knew he was getting frustrated. "Why? I'm only talking to you." You smiled as you inched closer to him. "Ashton, are you good?" Luke called from the back of the room. Ashon's eyes shot up and he looked over at his bandmate. "Fuck." He looked down at the papers and back at you and sighed. "Got distracted. Wait a bit." He yelled back to him and looked down at his crotch. "You're a terrible person, you know that, right?" He growled as he let out a shaky breath. You smiled at him and gave him a wink. "I know."

Calum: "So," Calum's mum began, "I hear you're into music as well?" She asked you, smiling as she ate the meal she had cooked. You nodded your head slowly and placed your hand on Calum's thigh. You could tell he was nervous so you just gave his thigh a light tap to give him reassurance that the dinner would go well. You looked over at him and judging by the sudden redness in his face you could tell he was surprised at your gesture. You looked at where your hand was placed and realized it was dangerously close to his crotch. You bit your lip then looked back at his mother. "I enjoy it a lot, yes." You replied back, inching your hand closer and closer to his area. He squirmed in the seat beside you and you tried your hardest not to show any emotion on your face. You didn't want his mother to think anything bad about you. It was quiet for a moment and your hand hovered over his crotch, slowly getting closer and closer. Your hand gently rubbed it and he let out a groan. His mother looked up at him and he smiled shyly. "Sorry, food went down the wrong pipe." He fake coughed and grabbed his drink and started to drink it, shooting you a glare from the corner of his eyes. You knew you were going to get it later and frankly you didn't mind.

Luke: You leaned backwards against Luke and sighed, waiting for the movie to start. You invited him over just to hang out, but your family planned on having a surprise movie night which meant you had to join and Luke also did too. You apologized to him multiple times, but he insisted that he didn't mind. You tried to adjust yourself so you were more comfortable where you were sitting then you heard Luke moan slightly. Luckily you were the only would who could hear it because the movie was playing. You slowly turned around and you noticed his cheeks were read. You turned back around and smirked at him, moving around, causing tension on his lower region. He grabbed a hold of your shoulders and tried to stop you from moving, but you continued to do it anyway. You moved closer to him and eventually sat on his lap, moving your bottom against him. He let out a shaky breath and leaned closer to your ear. "(Y/N), you're going to regret this..." He whispered in his low, husky voice. You turned around and smiled at him. "Am I really going to regret it?" You smiled flirtatiously at him and turned back around to watch the movie. You looked at your family and hoped they didn't notice what exactly you were doing.

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