45 Getting back together

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Only Luke, Ash & Mikey -> Sorry for that, but you know I didn't write them:/

Luke: You went back to your house the next day when you knew he would be at band practice. You took all your clothes and your pictures and anything else you wanted really. As you were walking out of the house you looked at one picture, one you didn’t want to take with you. It was a picture of the two of you on your one year anniversary. The memory came back and you quickly turned it against the wall and left. When he came home later that night, he saw how you took everything, and when he went upstairs, he saw how you turned around all the pictures from your anniversary. “God, how am I so stupid.” He stopped walking and sat on the stairs, his head in his hands and his body shaking with heavy sobs. You on the other hand, couldn’t cry. Your brain felt nothing. You turned off and you would wear a blank face every day and you stopped talking. You stopped eating, you stopped sleeping. One day, since you were staying with your parents, you went to the store to get groceries for your mom. You hadn’t told her that you two had split up, but she knew something was wrong and that’s why she sent you out of the house. As you were paying and going to your car, you saw someone familiar. “Y/N!” It was Ashton. “Where have you been, we’ve missed seeing you babe.” He gave you a hug that you could barely return. “I’ve been staying with my parents for the past month or so. How…how have you four been?” He began to scratch his neck awkwardly. “We could be better, but it’s Luke. He hardly shows up for rehearsal and when he does he’s either to tired to play or piss drunk.” You looked down at your groceries before looking back at him. “Has he talked about me?” “Everyday. When he’s almost sober he rants about how he was an idiot to lose you and how it’s all his fault. But as of last week, he’s just…well he’s just gone. We don’t know where he went and his mum hasn’t even heard from him.” You didn’t respond to him, you just ran for your car, leaving Ashton confused but still following you. “Y/N where are you going?!” He stood next to the passenger door as you threw the groceries into your trunk. “I know where he is,” you said as you motioned for him to get into the car with you. He quickly obligated and you started the car, quickly going onto the freeway. The drive was quick and silent, Ashton not knowing where you were going and you only hoping Luke didn’t do something irrational. As you pulled into a once familiar parking lot, you handed Ashton your phone. “Text my mom, tell her I’m gonna be late,” you said as you got out and ran to a group of trees. Of course Luke would come here, it’s the park where you two first met. You knew he was here, you could hear the subtle guitar strums as clearly as you did when you first met. “Every night I almost called you, just to say how it’s always you. Wherever you are.” You looked out from behind the tree to see him, with his glossed over eyes and tear stained cheeks and a bottle of whiskey next to him. “God, I’m such an idiot, “ he said as he threw the bottle into the trash can a few feet away. “You sure about that?” You said coming out from behind the tree and looking at him. “I mean, I’m the one who dumped you and turned you into an alcoholic.” You saw his face light up and he immediately got up and stood in front of you. “What brought you back?” He ran his hands through his hair before putting his beanie on. “I saw Ashton at the grocery store. He told me what happened to you and I realized it was all my fault that you’re like this.” “Y/N, I never meant to…I never meant to do what I did that night. It was all a drunken mistake that got caught on camera and I knew you were gonna find out. I’m sorry I fucked up our relationship and I’m sorry I lost you.” You could hear a slight crack in his voice and you yourself cracked. “I hated myself for losing you. I’m sorry I lost you. I don’t know if I can do it anymore Luke, being away from you and everything. I miss being able to sleep at night, to go places without seeing things that remind me of you.” You were in tears at this point and all he could do was hug you, and you hugged back. “Can we work it out? I can’t live without you anymore Y/N.” He brought his hands up to your face and you grabbed his wrists. “We can work it out,” you said through the tears. He smiled before brushing your tears off your cheeks. “I love you so much babe, I’m sorry I did that.” He kissed you softly, yet passionately and you hugged him back. “I…I just don’t want anything like it to happen again.” “I promise.” “Now lets go. I have groceries in my car and Ashton,” you said taking his hand.

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