162 Showering together

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Ashton's 'towel' :)

Luke: It may sound weird, but whenever you two shower together, you have really deep conversations. You don't know why but when you two are naked, in a confined space together, you say everything you want to say. You guys are a unique couple. Instead of talking at dinner or in bed at night, you talk in the shower.

Ashton: When you and Ashton shower together, you both actually shower. You don't do anything unusual in the shower. When it's time to shower, you both just help each other clean each other off. Basically you both shower together for the company and the help.

Calum: Whenever you shower with Calum, you always get a good laugh. Whether it's a stupid joke or actually very funny, you always find yourself laughing with the punch line. Why in the shower? You don't know. But you just love spending this extra time with Calum out from his busy schedule.

Michael: You two never actually end up showering when you do shower together. He always uses the excuse that he is "so turned on" and "can't keep his hands off of you." He likes to do it in the shower because he feels that there is less of a chance of somebody walking in.

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