171 Taking a break (PART 1)

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Michael: You were going out to a club with your friends. You just needed to get drunk. "Take the beer," Kate, your best friend, orders you. You grab it and mumble an incomprehensible 'thanks.' You turn around and bump into someone. You're met with brown eyes. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do this..." You ramble on. "It's ok," he cuts you off, "I'm Jason." "Hello, I'm Y/n," you smile. But in the corner of your eye you can practically see the smoke coming off of the boy's head that happens to look quite familiar.

Ashton: You opened the door once the knock sounded. "Hello," a deep voice says. "Hello...?" you respond. He pushes his way through as you mumble an incoherent 'or just come in.' "What are you doing here?" you ask. "Ending this damn 'break,'" he states firmly. You're about to tell him that you don't think that's such a good idea when somebody else gets there first. "I don't think that's a good idea, bro."

Calum: You laugh, "I'm not too good at this!" "You're not terrible," Jake, your best friend, says. You've been trying to pass the football (soccer ball) around for a while but every time you try to kick it to Jake, it goes in a different direction. "I got this," you say, "this one will be good!" You stand behind the ball, run forward, and kick it. But you sure were wrong about the ball going to him. You chase after it to find it stopped under somebody else's foot. "Y/n?"

Luke: You're walking down the street with your friend. "Kylie," you say your friends name, "let's get some ice cream." "Oooooooh! I love ice cream! Where is it?" she jumps for joy. You point, "over there." Kylie grabs your hand and pulls you toward the ice cream place. You see a familiar face and tell Kylie that you'll be right back. You walk right up to the person, "do you know how long I've waited for you to call me back?"

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