180 How you two meet

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Ashton: You were in the middle of a crowd that was waiting for the boys outside of their hotel. You were really embarrassed since the crowd seemed like a mobbing-sort of crowd and you didn't want to be associated with them, but you stayed anyway. As soon as you all heard the boys were coming down, the crowd pushed forward and you fell onto the cement. "Ashton! Luke! Mike! Calum!" were being called out while you were still on the ground. The crowd continued to push and shove until the security had to create some sort of pathway. Once the crowd parted for the boys, you picked yourself off the ground and felt a sting on both of her knees. You looked down and saw blood run down your legs. "Hey, you alright?" You looked up and saw Ashton standing in front of you. Wincing from the sight of blood, you gave him a nod and a half smile. Ashton happened to be your favorite and here you were, standing with bloody knees in the middle of the group with him in front of you. You were supposed to be freaking out right? Ashton looked down at your knees and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He looked over at the security and said, "Hey, can we take her inside? Get her cleaned up?" The security nodded and led you and Ashton inside the hotel. You held onto his arm and followed him to the lobby while the security kept you two separate from the fans. "You're alright. Just bloody knees," he said with a smile. Ashton sat you down and went off to grab a wet cloth. You looked down at your knees and winced once more. You weren't big on seeing blood; it made you uneasy, which was probably the main reason why you weren't freaking out as much as you thought you would be. When Ashton came back, he got down on his knees and pressed the wet paper cloth against the cut. "I'm Ashton, by the way," he said and you couldn't help but chuckle. "I know," you replied, pushing your hair out of your hair. "Crazy mob, huh?" He asked and you nodded. After he cleaned up your cuts, along with the help from the receptionist, you were okay. "Thank you so much," you said with a smile. "No problem," he replied and gave you a hug. "Steer clear from them. They would literally do anything to meet us, even if that meant pushing pretty girls down onto the cement." He laughed softly and pushed his hair back. "You want a picture?" You nodded while handing the security your phone and you both smiled for the picture. As you started walking towards the front doors with Ashton, he asked with a grin, "So what's your name?"

Calum:  You and a few friends were out exploring the city that One Direction and 5SOS were going to take over in just a few hours. You weren't really familiar with the place, you only knew what you've learned from in movies, but as you stood in the middle of it all, you had no idea where to go. You followed your friends who said they knew where the shopping mall was, and even with directions it was still difficult. Sadly, you all found out the mall was 30 minutes away walking distance. Groaning, you refused to walk that far and instead, you found a little park that looked nice enough to relax in. You walked towards a picnic table while your friends walked the other way. "Where are you guys going?" You asked them. They turned back to you and replied, "We're going to get some drinks. Want anything?" You shook your head and watched them walk away. You sat underneath a tree, which gave you quite a lot of shade. The park seemed to be empty; there were no children, no adults, no dogs being walked. You looked around and noticed there weren't many people in this part of the city. You realized that was because everyone was probably at the arena, where the boys were hanging out. Twenty minutes had passed and your friends still weren't back. You rested your head on the table when you started hearing laughs come from behind. Picking your head up, you wanted to look, but you didn't only because those laughs sounded awfully familiar. "Hey, kick the ball, you dick," said one. "Over here!" You finally turned your head to see Ashton and Calum run towards the middle of the park, passing the soccer ball back and forth. You faced forward quickly and pulled out your phone to text your friends, but before you unlocked your phone, it flew out of your hands and landed on the other side of the table. "Oh, crap," said Calum. You sat completely still as you heard their footsteps walk towards you. He walked in front of the table and picked your phone off the ground. He blew off the dirt and cleaned it off with his shirt before handing it over with a crooked smile. "Sorry about that." You were speechless. Calum and Ashton looked at you with a smile. "Are you... are you a fan?" Again, no words escaped your mouth. You nodded instead. "In that case..." said Calum as he raised his leg up, resting it on the bench. "I'm really sorry." You laughed and shook your head. "Really, it's no problem. I've dropped it a million times." Ashton glanced over at Calum and back at you before grabbing the ball. "I'm just gonna go kick the ball over here while Calum continues to apologize," he laughed and ran into the middle of the park. Covering your face with your hands, Calum started laughing. "I feel like a shitty person now. I don't usually kick fan's phones out of their hands." You looked up at him and grinned. "You don't have to apologize. Really." He nodded and rested his elbow on his knee. "Well, it's nice to meet you," he said with a cheeky smile.

Luke: What you enjoyed doing on the weekends was playing at your local coffee shop. They had slowly become your biggest fans and allowed you to play your guitar and sing anytime you wanted, but you had preferred the weekends. You had started singing for as long as you could remember and guitar was something you picked up at around the age of 6. Singing alone or in front of a crowd had become an escape for you. You usually blocked out everyone while you sang which put you at ease. It made you more relaxed. You had heard the boys were in town for a show, but they were currently having a day off which meant they could literally be anywhere. You had planned on going with your friends to find them, but you decided to head to the coffee shop to play for your usual, small crowd, which mainly consisted of older folk. You didn't mind that; they enjoyed listening to you sing. They always expected you, after all. You couldn't let your crowd down. You had been playing for a little over an hour now when you noticed a few young guys walk in and head to the counter to order a drink. You shut your eyes, blocking them out, and continued to sing one of your favorite songs, "Everything is falling down, we're suffering, helpless thoughts, and out we sing, prayers go to the sky...." When you opened your eyes, you looked out into the small crowd. The lighting was dim, so the faces were hard to make out, but you could see that they were smiling and tapping their feet. That was a good sign. You had also noticed the guys near the counter move up ahead and take the empty seats towards the back. They were watching you and one of the guys was even mouthing along with you while you sang. Again, you shut your eyes and continued with the song until the end. The place erupted with applause and you couldn't help but smile. Before you walked off stage, you said, "Thank you very much" into the mike and placed your guitar on its stand. You jogged over to the counter where you had your usual iced coffee waiting for you. Taking a sip, you noticed someone hovering behind you. When you turned around, you nearly dropped your drink. "Hi." You were surprised to see Luke Hemmings standing right in front of you. He was smiling and standing a little awkwardly, waiting for you to respond. "Hi...hi," you said with a small smile. "You were great. Is that your favorite song of ours?" Your hand ran through your hair casually before nodding. "Yeah, I love that song." Luke nodded and took a sip of his drink. "I would love to hear more. Are you done?" Holding onto your beverage, you shook your head. "I have two more songs left." Luke looked over his shoulder at Calum who happened to be sitting down. He looked over and gave you a wave. "Well I guess I'll hang out here a little while longer then," he said with a smile.

Michael: You were counting down the days until 5 Seconds of Summer went to your city. They were doing a small acoustic show, but tickets weren't on sale yet. You worked at the local Game Stop and kept your phone on you at all times just to get instant updates when the tickets were supposed to go on sale. Since you first heard of 5SOS, you became instantly addicted. You loved their sound and how some of their favorite bands were yours as well. Their songs were on repeat constantly and you even asked your boss if you could play them during your hours. When you heard that tickets were going on sale at 11 am, you realized you wouldn't be on break during that time. You went to your boss and asked if you could get a few more minutes added onto your lunch, but unfortunately your boss turned you down. You were nearly going to shed a few tears knowing you weren't able to go online and get tickets. When the day finally came and the boys arrived in your city, you walked to work with a frown. It had upset you so much, but you knew work has also quite important.  There's always next time... you thought to yourself. Putting on a smile, you started your shift, but you couldn't help but think of the show happening on later in the day. Around the 12 o clock hour, there was a huge crowd of girls wandering through the mall. You leaned over the counter to see what was happening, but the girls were either mute or mumbling amongst themselves. It was until you saw a tall, blonde haired boy walk into the store with two big guys right behind him. You froze as he walked passed the counter and towards the Playstation section. It was Michael Clifford. You couldn't help but fan girl silently to yourself behind the counter as he scanned the selection. As you looked over at the entrance of the store, the guards had blocked the girls from entering which made you laugh a little. "And what are you laughing at?" Turning back towards the counter, you saw Michael standing right there with a game in his hand. You felt your cheeks turn red before replying, "The girls..." Michael looked over his shoulder and waved at them, causing the girls to scream louder. You reached for the game and scanned it before placing it in a bag. With a smile, you handed it back to him. "You didn't tell me the price," he said, with a raised brow. You shrugged. "Don't worry about, Clifford." His eyes widened as he laughed. "You know who I am?" You nodded. "Big fan?" He asked again, and you nodded. Michael grabbed the bag and tapped his fingers on the glass counter. "I owe you. You coming to the show tonight?" You shook your head as you looked down at the ground. The blonde gave you smile before saying, "Just give me your name and I'll put you on the list."

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