54 You like him but he doesn't like you

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Luke: You looked at him from the other side of the lunchroom, talking to his group of friends. You wanted to be the one next to him, gripping onto his arm, but instead he had the head cheerleader, her head rested on his shoulder lightly as his hand held hers tightly. Getting up to throw away your trash, you accidentally bumped into him. "I'm so sorry," you said helping him pick up his books. "It's fine. You aren't hurt are you?" You shook your head before asking him the same question. "Good, I'll see you in trig." He quickly grabbed his girlfriends hand and walked away. Away from you, and away from ever realizing how much you liked him.

Ashton: "Hey, I think the answer is four," your partner said as you wrote down answers for your math homework. "Yeah, I got the same," you said as you looked out at the football team that your dream man, Ashton Irwin was on. "You're looking at him again aren't you." You nodded and looked at how gracefully he caught the ball and then threw it. But of course, your thoughts were interrupted when he went over to the cheerleaders and hugged his girlfriend. "God I wish I was her," you said as you turned back to your work. "You never know with cheerleaders," she said as she began working on the next problem. "I guess." You picked up your pencil but not before a football came and hit you in the knee. "Sorry!" You heard his familiar voice say. He quickly ran over to you and knelt down next to you. "Hey you okay?" "Yeah," you said as you handed him the football. That was really the only talk you had ever had.

Calum: "Hey, Y/N how would you want a guy to tell you he liked you?" Your best friend Calum had come over for a pizza night and you two were currently sitting on your front porch. "I don't know. Just give me like subtle hints and then just go and say 'Can you tell that I'm talking about you Y/N?'" You didn't really want to tell Calum, but you had a massive crush on him for a few months now, and you felt like he might have been feeling the same way. "Okay, so say that the girl I like has (your hair color) and (your eye color) and that she has an amazing personality and laugh and her eyes can get me lost for ages." You bit your inner cheek before laughing. "I think that would work on any girl really Cal." You looked over at him but he was already looking at you. "You know what babe? I think...I think I need to tell this girl." "Go ahead, I bet she'd be so happy I mean you're an amazing guy," you said as he took out his phone. "I hope Caroline from physics thinks the same thing," he said hoping off your porch and pressing his phone to his ear. It made your breath stop as he talked to her and how he got excited after he asked her out. Because you would never be the girl to make him smile like that.

Michael: You sat on the bleachers with the rest of the soccer team after you had practice one night. "Yeah, I mean I don't really like him either," your team mates said in agreement as you talked about your Chemistry teacher. "Hey, talking of liking, Y/N who do you like?" The captain chimmed in mainly because you were the only girl on the team who still didn't have a boyfriend or date to homecoming for that matter. "No one really. It's hard to like people here you know?" The girls nodded in agreement with you as a majority of their boyfriends went to another school. Just as you closed your mouth, the guys soccer team came out rather loud and hyper as they ran up the bleachers to sit next to you. "Hey girls," the captain Michael Clifford said. "God, don't you have the decency to at least shower," your own captain said. "Nah, we all know you have boyfriends so we don't have to impress you." "Not all of us," she said pointing at you. You felt your breath hitch because you secretly liked Michael and he was now looking at you. "Y/N? Oh. That...that sucks." "Why don't you two go out?" His team mate said as they began descending the bleachers. "Sorry, I would Y/N but I have a date with Leona Thomas tomorrow." Your eyes shut as he went down the metal laughing, because all you wanted was for him to like you.

Sorry for not posting...but I HAD NO INTERNET!

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