22 You find out you're pregnant

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Luke: You hadn't been feeling good all week and you decided to do something about it. You went to the doctor and he ran basic tests but there was one question he asked you weren't prepared for. "When was the last time you had your period?" You quickly checked your phone, noting the last date. "Uhm, it's almost been seven weeks. Why?" He didn't answer, just handed you a pregnancy test. "If it turns out positive, congratulations." You drove home quickly and took the test. After waiting five minutes you saw two pink lines, the indicator of pregnancy. You looked at the stick in your hands and stood there. Luke walked into the bathroom because when you found out you were pregnant you sort of screamed and he got worried. "What's wrong hun?" He asked as you stared at the floor. He took the test from you and read it, then the box, then the stick again. "You, you're pregnant?" He said in a loud whisper. You nodded before looking at him. "It's yours," you said finally looking at him. "We're gonna be parents," he said in a whisper. "We're gonna be parents!" He said louder before picking you up and hugging you.

Ashton: You had lost your virginity to your boyfriend of a year Ashton six weeks ago. And you were supposed to have gotten your period three weeks ago. You knew something was wrong, and it wasn't medical in the sense you needed to go to the doctor. You knew you had to run to the pharmacy and pick up a pregnancy test. You drove home and took it, waiting patiently as it finished out. It beeped twice and you picked it up to see two pink lines. You smiled widely, noticing the sign as you were nothing but pregnant. You went and got your phone and quickly dialed Ashton. It rang for a bit but Ashton didn't answer. "Hello?" "Michael? Why do you have Ashtons phone?" "He's in the bathroom why is this important?" You sighed. "Yes, Michael. Can you just...slide the phone under the door?" You heard the phone being moved and an exchange of words. "Why were you plotting to have my phone slid under the door?" He chuckled and you did too. "Ashton, switch to FaceTime real quick." You pulled your phone away and switched the call to FaceTime and so did he. "Hi babe, what's up?" You took in a deep breath before looking at him. "Remember how a few weeks ago we did it?" He nodded and you continued, taking another deep breath. "Ashton," you said holding up the stick. "I'm pregnant." His face went from blank to beaming as he looked at your face smiling. "I'm gonna be a dad?" "You're gonna be a dad!" You said, overly excited as well. He ran around screaming, "I'M GONNA BE A FATHER, I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!"

Michael: You and Michael were dating, which was a good thing, but having sloppy, drunk sex was another thing. You both regretted it because you were always safe, but at the same time were happy because what if you were carrying a baby? "Michael, should we see if I'm pregnant?" You asked one night as you stared up at the ceiling. "If you want to I guess. But do you want to keep it?" He proped himself up on one elbow and looked at you. "Of course! I mean, there's that baby smell, getting to dress them up in little outfits you wish you had, feeding them and doing the airplane thing. I mean the possibilities are endless with them." "They aren't a toy though you realize that Y/N?" You looked at him confused. "Of course I realize that. I...I had a baby brother when I was younger but he died when he was three. I don't remember him and I wish I had protected him." You sniffed at the memory but Michael got up and put his shirt and shoes on. "I'll be right back. Let's see if there's a little us in there," he said with a wink.**** "Michael," you called when the results were ready. "Michael you look I can't I'm to nervous." He took the stick from you and was quiet. "Well?" "We're pregnant!" He shouted happily before picking up and kissing you.

Calum: You felt like it was a mistake because Calum was your best friend, and best friends don't sleep with each other. But you did, and you both brushed it off and never talked about it. But as two months passed, you realized you hadn't had your period yet. It worried you so you went to the drug store to get a pregnancy test. "Here goes nothing," you sighed as you took the test. You set it on the counter and waited until there was a beep noise. "Two pink lines," you whispered reading what they meant on the box. "Two pink lines equals...pregnant. I'm pregnant," you whispered in delight seeing what the test said. You called Calum as soon as you felt like you were ready and asked him to come over. "You sounded really urgent on the phone Y/N. What's the matter?" "Cal, remember how a couple months ago we did the thing and promised never to talk about it?" He nodded and shifted closer to you on your bed. "What's wrong?" You pulled the stick out from behind your back and held it in front of his face. "Two pink lines means I'm pregnant," you said, taking in his reaction. He sat there looking at you before hugging you. "We're gonna be parents, oh my god." You smiled as his arms held you to his body. "You'll be the best father," you said pulling away and looking at him. "And you'll be the best mother," he said kissing you softly

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