30 You get drunk and he takes care of you

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Luke: You had stumbled in after a night of partying with your friend for her birthday. You didn't want to admit it but you had to many drinks. "LUKE I'M HOME!" You yelled as you rummaged in the kitchen for food. You vaguely heard him come down the stairs before looking at you from the doorway. "How many shots did you two have?" He said taking the chicken wing from your mouth. "Like," you counted on your fingers before showing him a ten. "I should really go with you next time," he says before opening your jaw and getting water down your throat. "You wouldn't have liked it," you said taking the water and drinking it for yourself. "Lets get you to bed," he says picking you up. You were to tired to care so you let him put you to sleep as he went to go sleep in the other room.

Ashton: It was rare for you to get drunk but when you did, it wasn't with your boyfriend around. This time your friends had taken you out for your birthday and you all had to many drinks and you drunk dialed Ashton. "Hey babe what's up?" "Ashy! Hey, hey you should *hiccup* should come and pick me up be because *hiccup* I have no idea what a car works like," you drunkenly slurred into the receiver. He sighed on the other end and you somehow managed to get him directions. "Wow you are drunk," he muttered as you tripped into his arms as he stood outside the club. "I'm only a bit," you said as he put you into the passenger seat. "At least you called so you didn't have to drive home like this." He buckled his seat belt and then yours before listening to you drunkenly talk about how you thought the universe functioned.

Michael: He was out recording and you had found all the alcohol in the house and had the brilliant idea of mixing everything to see the effects. To say the least, you ended up running around the house screaming song lyrics that popped into your drunk head and drinking another bottle of Jack Daniels. "Hey I'm home," he called as you were singing the Beatles in the living room. "Y/N you ok?" He said but as soon as he walked by the kitchen he knew you were drunk off your ass. "Mikey! You made it!" You slurred as you jumped on the couch. "You are far gone babe. Give me the bottle," he said reaching above you and grabbing the neck. "You gotta give me a kiss first," you said getting in his face. He rolled his eyes before kissing you roughly, causing you to fall into him and him to take the bottle. "No more for you," he said as he held your waist and guided you upstairs.

Calum: You had finally turned the legal drinking age and Calum wanted to take you out for drinks at a local club. "It burns for a second, but then it feels really good once it gets in you," he said handing you a shot of tequila. You quickly downed the shot and widened your eyes. He laughed at your response and ordered another round. He only had three, seeing as he had been exposed longer, but you kept going and eventually had seven shots of tequila and three of vodka. "Cal! Why, why haven't we done this before?!" You said as you found him in the crowd talking to friends. "Oh my god you're gone aren't you," he said as you slung an arm around him. "I'm not gone until you take me," you said winking. "I gotta go guys, she had one to many," he says wrapping his arm around your waist and walking you out. "I'll be back soon don't worry!" You yelled at the bartender. "I created a monster," he chuckled at you as you poked his cheek.


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