147 Cuddling

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Michael: His arms will drape over your body as you two lie together in the spooning position; you're the small spoon while Michael is the big spoon. You always move back so you're as close as you can be to him while he holds onto your waist tightly.

Ashton: You lay your head on his chest and draw shapes and pictures on his stomach which often makes him laugh. His arms are under your body and he squeezes sometimes to let you know he doesn't want to stop cuddling.

Calum: He will intertwine his fingers with yours and play with them and rub your arms while your head lays on his chest and/or stomach. You always place your arm across his stomach and pull your body closer to his so you're both warm.

Luke: Luke is huge for spooning because he likes the way your bodies fit together perfectly. Occasionally, you'll just lie on his chest and whenever you two do cuddle he always manages to sneak in a squeeze of your bum.

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