40 Dealing with hate

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Luke: "What is it babe?" He noticed you crying from across the room. "I...I can't deal with them, with your fans." You pushed your laptop away and brought your knees up to your chest. He looked at the screen and back at you in your fragile state. He quickly logged out of your twitter and into his, sending out a tweet saying, "Hating on her won't make me love you more." He watched as people thought they were song lyrics and he just shook his head before tweeting again. "No, they aren't lyrics. It's the words going through my mind when I see my girlfriend crying." He then signed out and held you close to his chest. "Just know that I will never hate you." You let out a shaky sigh before placing your head on his chest and wrapping your arms around his chest tightly. He held you like that for a while before getting up and picking out a movie for you two to watch.

Ashton: "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE I FUCKING SWEAR!" You yelled as you walked into your shared apartment. You violently swung your bag at the wall before collapsing into the middle of the hallway crying violently into your hands. "Y/N, what's wrong?" Ashton automatically crouched down next to you and pulled your hands away from your face. "I was walking home from school and girls just started yelling at me 'Whore!' 'Slut!' 'Bitch!' 'He doesn't love cows like you!' and I just ran the rest of the way. They hate me, Ashton! They fucking despise me!" You pulled your hands back and kept crying. He knew how to reach out to the fans and pulled out his phone, going straight to keek. "Hi guys, uhm Y/N told me what some of you guys yelled at her and she's...she's not herself. And what you said really hurt her. So, I guess think before you speak. Please guys. Bye." He posted it quickly and went back to you, picking you up and placing you in bed where you two talked about your day before it sucked.

Michael: You were out with your friends doing some casual shopping when a group of girls walked by snickering. You looked over at them and noticed they were giving you judgmental glances before one of them started laughing, slightly pointing at you. "Just ignore them Y/N," your friend said as she guided you to the checkout counter. As you paid and waited for the transaction to go through, you finally over heard the conversation. "How can Michael go for that? I mean look at you, you're the perfect girl for him! Why does he have such an interest in people who look like that?" You took a deep breath and held in tears as you pulled out your phone. "Hey babe, what's wrong?" Michael sounded tired , maybe he was taking an afternoon nap. "No-nothing. It's just some people were saying shit again." You could hear him run a hand through his hair before sitting up. "Why do you think they said that?" "They hate me, they like you and not me." "No, they said that because they're just jealous of you. They're jealous I love you and not them." "Thanks Michael." "I can hear that smile," and you could hear him chuckle. "I'll see you when you get home babe."

Calum: You two were walking in the mall and doing some shopping when either one of you saw a store you wanted to go into. As you were in Pac Sun, you saw a group of girls who were eyeing your boyfriend up and down. "What's wrong babe?" He chuckled as you saw him looking at swim trunks. "Those girls over there, they make me feel in secure." He brushed the hair away from your eyes and kissed your forehead. "Well I think you're honestly prettier than all of them combined." He held your hand and led you to the checkout counter, where the other girls got in line right behind you. "God, look at her. Her hand is probably bigger than his," one whispered and you quickly tightened your hand, causing him to look at you funny. "What's wrong?" "Ignore it Calum." He quickly glanced behind and looked at the girls. "Is something funny to you?" He looked at one who was tall and you had to admit, not the the prettiest of faces. "Your relationship," she said flatly, holding out her hand as she rested her elbow on her hip. "And? Do you have one? Because if you do he should run away from bitches like you." He quickly paid and tugged you behind. "And you other girls, you're no better than her if you have a friend who insults other people for being happy."

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