165 Insecurities

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Calum: Your figure. You were looking in the mirror, mentally criticising every little thing about yourself. You naked and you just didn't like what you saw. You saw Calum walk up to you, in the reflection, and wrap his arms around your waist. "Why are you doing this?" Calum asked. "I just want to be skinnier and I want a thigh gap and I want-" "Stop," Calum cut you off. "Why?" "It doesn't matter what other people think, you have me. You're perfect to me," he whispered in your ear.

Luke: Your height. Luke was so much taller than you. When ever you looked at him, you had to tilt your head all the way up. You always wore heals so you could be a little closer in height. "Why don't you wear sneakers?" Luke asked, "we're going to be doing a lot of walking." "I don't know," you mumbled. "If this is about height, you can just forget it and put sneakers on. I love you the way you are and I like my girls short," he smirked.

Ashton: Your scars. Ashton saw them. You were in the shower and you stepped out, not really caring that you were naked. You figured that you were far enough in the relationship that you could walk around naked. When Ashton walked in he smiled and winked until he saw your arms. His face fell and he just stared. You looked where he was looking and saw your scars. You immediately grabbed a towel to cover up but he grabbed your hand first. He pulled you towards him and kissed your scars. "Never again, promise?" "Promise."

Michael: Your smile. You would always cover it with your hand when you were laughing. And when you take pictures, you'd make this fake smile that Michael hated. Michael would alway move your hand away from your mouth because he loved it. He knew you didn't but he just wanted to make you see that he did. He just wants you to know that you're perfect to him, regardless of what anybody else thinks.

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