57 You get stressed from school and he helps you out

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Luke: You lifted your head off the table and looked over at the time. 2:15 in the morning and you had to be at school in seven hours for your test. Rubbing your face, you turned the light on and began looking through your book. As you tiredly turned another page, you heard the hall light turn on and footsteps come towards the office where you were. “Babe, it’s two in the morning why aren’t you in bed?” He asked as he pulled your desk chair back. “I have a test tomorrow morning and I’m failing the class and I need to get an A so my grade at least goes up to a C.” You rubbed your face before turning the chair back to the desk and pulling out a highlighter. “Babe, come on you’ve been studying for six hours lets go to bed.” “But, I have to get a good grade on this test!” You say as you pound your fists on the desk. “Babe,” he says turning your chair so you’re facing him. “This test isn’t worth your sanity. Come on, tomorrow we can sleep in and then you can go later in the day to take it, okay? I don’t like seeing you like this.” “But Luke,” you say but you just start to cry. “Sh, I’m here it’s alright,” he said pulling you into his chest. “Let’s go to bed alright?” You nodded against his chest and he took you into the bedroom where you almost automatically fell asleep.

Ashton: It was the last day of finals and you had come home completely drained of all activity, and all you wanted to do was sleep, but you were to tired to even do that. You laid on your couch as your eyes would close but noise would make you open them up again and all you wanted to do was keep them shut for your entire break. Again, once your eyes shut, noise disrupted you and this noise was your boyfriend Ashton coming home more hyper than usual. “Babe! We got signed today oh my god!” He said from the kitchen as you heard him open a beer. “That’s great. I’m gonna go upstairs babe,” you said as you started walking up the stairs, but quickly fell over on the landing. “Y/N are you okay babe?” He called as he heard you fall. “No,” you said as he picked you up. “I had five tests in a row today and I’m fried. I don’t even know what time it is but I feel tired.” You leaned against the wall as he stroked your hair. “Let me make you something to eat, that should help you fall asleep,” he said picking you up and walking you downstairs. “Ashton, I’m not hungry though,” you protested as he set you in a bar stool. “The soup will help you fall asleep I promise,” he said taking out some left over chicken and vegetables. You watched as he worked before giving you the soup. “This is really good,” you said with the spoon in your mouth. “Good, now do you want to go to sleep?” You nodded and he picked you up and put you in bed like you were a little child.

Michael: The stress from school was building up and all you wanted was to cuddle with Michael while watching horrible movies from the 80s. But we all can't get what we want now can we? Because when you came home, Michael was busy playing video games and yelling at the screen. "Mikey, can we watch some movies or something?" You said standing in the doorway. "I'm in the middle of the level babe later!" "But Michael!" You whined. "I said later okay? I promise." You could feel yourself getting heated and you threw your backpack on the floor. "CAN'T YOU FOR ONCE JUST PUT DOWN YOUR FUCKING CONTROLER AND LOOK AT YOUR GIRLFRIEND WHO IS FUCKING BROKEN INSIDE YOU INSENSITIVE PRICK!" Your chest was heaving up and down and you were crying heavily. "All I wanted all day was to sit and watch movies with you but you can't give me that?!" He looks at you in shock before turning off the TV and going over to you. "I'm here, I'm sorry. Let's go upstairs and I'll run you a nice bath okay? And then I'll run to redbox or something." You nodded and let him pick you up as you began sniffling. He put you in bed before running into the bathroom and running the warm water before coming back and helping you undress and settle into the water. “I’ll be right back, okay princess?” He said from the door. You nodded, before ringing out a wash cloth and putting it on your forehead. “Thank you,” you said as he left the house and you started relaxing.

Calum: You bit your nails nervously as your professor walked around the room handing back your essays that counted as a good 50 percent of your grade. Once you got yours, the paper you had spent two weeks on, your heart dropped. The grade wasn’t what you wanted at all, it was far below average and you felt your blood boil. The bell rang for dismissal and everyone flooded the room as you made your way down to his desk. “Mr. Willard? Why did I get such a bad grade on this?” You asked laying the paper down on his desk. “Quite honestly Ms. Y/L/N, I’m shocked to get this type of work from you when you normally turn in outstanding grades.” “Is there anything I can do to get the grade up?” He shook his head before handing back your paper. “Have a good weekend Ms. Y/L/N.” You took your paper and crumpled it in your hands before throwing it in the garbage before running out of the building. You stopped for a brief second, looking for Calums car and once you found it you ran to it and got in the passenger seat, slamming the door behind you. “Babe what’s wrong?” He rubbed your back as he took your hand in his. “My fucking grade dropped from an A to a D because ‘the paper wasn’t up to my standards.’ Two fucking weeks I worked on that!” You slammed your head against the dashboard and pulled your hair. “Hey, stop it right now Y/N.” He pulled you up and across the console for a hug. “Don’t beat yourself up over it, alright?” He rubbed your back as you clung to his shirt and cried violently. “But I worked so hard,” you said wiping your face off. “I know. Do you want to…to go and get some ice cream?” He asked stroking your face. You nodded before giving him a faint smile, which he returned with a small kiss.

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