119 You're mentioned in an interview

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Ashton: "This is your girlfriend, correct?" The interviewer asked Ashton as a picture of Ashton and you popped up on the screen. Ashton smiled and nodded his head quickly. "That would be, (Y/N). My beautiful girlfriend." He smiled, his little dimples indenting his cheeks as he does so. He talked about you for the next five minutes until the boys told him to shut up in a playful way.

Calum: "She wanted to go to Disney World so I surprised her and took her." Calum explained as the interviewer asked him about the recent picture he had posted of the two of you with Mickey and Minnie Mouse at Disney World. He continued to smile, the small little crinkles by his eyes appearing. Michael began to tease him about the two of you and annoying coupley things the two of you do.

Michael: His eyes light up as your name is said. He looked over at the interviewer and gave her a smile before saying, "She's an amazing girl. She's the reason I got here on time, actually. She helps me with a lot and I like her... A lot." He smiled and his smile never left his face throughout the rest of the interview.

Luke: The second your name was mentioned Luke's cheeks went a bright red and he looked down at the ground, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing. Calum nudged him with his shoulder causing Luke to look up at the interviewer. "She makes me happy." Luke finally admitted after a minute or two of avoiding what the interviewer had asked. "We approve." Ashton chimed in, smiling over at Luke which made him laugh.

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