27 You have a nightmare

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Luke: You could feel yourself sweating as your hands subconsciously fisted the sheets underneath you. You began mumbling the dialogue in the dream and kicking even. Then when you thought it was over, you let out a scream and sat straight up, panting and shaking violently. "Y/N, what's wrong?" He was automatically up at your side and pulling you into him. "I don't know, but it was horrible." Your bottom lip was shaking and you looked up at him. "You'll protect me right?" He nodded and kissed your forehead as you wrapped your arms around him. He stayed up with you, rocking you back and forth to ensure you wouldn't freak out again.

Ashton: Horror movies were the last thing you wanted to watch before going to bed. But you didn't to expect it to be a horror movie so violent and gorey, and as you laid in bed that night, you dreamed that you were in it, and the mass murder was next to you and killing you over and over again. You didn't know you were screaming until Ashtons hands were at your shoulders and practically throwing you back against the pillows until you woke up. Your eyes shot open and you looked at him as he was straddling you. "What happened?" He asked as he sat up and pulled you with him. "It was from the movie. He was there and he kept killing me," you softly cried into his chest as he held you. "Nothing will ever hurt you, I promise."

Michael: You used to have a reoccuring nightmare as a child that you would be taken and eaten by a monster and as you got older it went away but you could still remember the vivid details of it. When you had finally met Michael and after a while moved in, you had it again. It had been years, and over time it seemed like it had either gotten more gruesome or more violent or simply both. But either way it was back and you hated it. You hadn't told Michael, and so one night around three in the morning he heard you screaming in the bedroom as he was finishing up a video game. He dropped the controller and ran (who would've thought Michael ran) and came into the room to see you curled in a ball screaming and fighting some invisible force. He pulled your feet and yanked you up. "STOP IT STOP IT!" You yelled as your eyes opened. "Mikey," you said crying instantly and holding onto him. He simply held you and stroked your hair, calming you as you cried on his shoulder.

Calum: You hated with all your being bugs. Specifically lady bugs. Who could hate lady bugs though? The only reason is that you would have reoccurring nightmares about carnivorous lady bugs eating you in your sleep. You never told Calum about it, but you mentioned that you would have nightmares about weird things. He simply accepted the fact but never had seen you have a fit. One night, you had the dream and you could feel your body start convulsing and kicking erratically and Calum had noticed because you kicked him in the back. "Y/N stop kicking me," he grumbled in his sleep. Of course you didn't hear him and you kicked him again and let out a scream. "Y/N, stop it!" He groaned, rolling over and looking at you. He quickly got freaked out because you began clawing at yourself, thinking that they were on your skin. He quickly grabbed your arms and shook you until you were shaking your head and yelling for him to stop. You opened your eyes and looked at him behind your veil of hair. "I had the nightmare," you whispered as he fixed your hair and pulled you down onto the bed with him. "I'm sorry baby. We can get you help for it." He kissed your temple and you rested your head on his chest as you calmed down.

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