156 He gets married but you're not the bride (PART 1)

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Michael: The boys were sitting outside, waiting for you to bring out the drinks like you said you would. You were about to join them when you hear your name mentioned. "I don't know what to tell Y/n," you hear Michael say. "You have to tell her," Calum says. "I know but how should I say it?" Michael asks. "Well for one you could say 'Hey Y/n, I'm in love with you and I broke off my own wedding so I could see you instead,'" Ashton jokes. All the guys laugh, so at first you think it's a joke. "Should I say that?" you hear Michael ask, his tone very serious. Did he seriously call off the wedding because he loves me?

Calum: "This tux looks good," Calum says, "common lets buys it." "Wait," you hold Calum back, "don't you want this wedding to be perfect?" "Yeah, and the tux is fine. I don't see the problem here," Calum says. "Well I know that if I was getting married I would want everything to be perfect," you start. "I'd want the perfect wedding dress and my fiancé to have the perfect tux," you motion towards his tux. "It's fine. It doesn't matter," he says. "It should matter. You're going to marry the one you love and be with her forever," you point out. "No, I'm not," he says.

Luke: "Ready to get married? Be with the same girl for the rest of your life?" you ask Luke. "I don't know," Luke sighs. "You don't know? You're going to get married in an hour and don't even know if you want to be with this one girl for the rest of your entire life?!" you say. "Should I get married Y/n? Tell me the truth. I want your honest opinion," Luke begs. "Do you love her?" you ask. Luke walks over to a table and sits on it. "That's the problem... I love her." "Why is that a problem?" "Because I'm not IN love with her," he answers. "And there is a difference?" you giggle, amused with the situation. "Yes," Luke says. "Well then why aren't you in love with her?" "Because I'm in love with you."

Ashton: Ashton's wedding is today. In a half hour, to be exact. You're sitting on your couch, eating in misery. You have been dreading this day. This is the day when the one you love gets married to the one he loves. It's like hell to think of this; you spent years loving someone who will never love you back. All of a sudden, there is a knock on your door. "Coming," you mumble. You get up from your couch, wearing sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt. Once you open the door you are shocked. "What are you doing here?" you ask.

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