187 After time apart (smut)

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Ashton: You shuffled your feet nervously and stared down the arrivals gate. You were picking up your long term boyfriend Ashton. You hadn't seen him in three months and he'd even got a separate flight to the rest of his band so there'd be no one but you waiting for him at the airport. After what seemed like hours you finally noticed him in the crowd. He dropped his stuff as he saw you and ran over to where you were standing, twirling you around in his hug. No words were said as he dragged you by the hand to the nearest bathroom, checking it was empty and pushing you into the stall he pushed his lips frantically against yours. "Welcome home," you breathily whispered as you placed markings along his collarbone. "Glad to be back, now let's skip the foreplay" he grinned cheekily as he unbuckled his jeans and slid down your shorts. "Remember, be quiet," you nodded your head at his words before he thrusted himself into you. The moan that was about to leave your mouth was silenced by Ashton's tongue. He went hard and fast, the two of you trying to make as little noise as possible before both reaching your high with sloppy kisses and whispered profanities. After you were dressed he snaked his hand into yours and walked you out of the airport. It was good to have him home.

 Calum: You and a couple of friends were throwing a welcome home party for the 5SOS boys who hadn't been home properly for five months. You ended up getting there really late because of car trouble and missed a sober reunion with your boyfriend, Calum. "Hey baaaaabe," he drawled out drunkenly, wrapping an arm around your neck as you entered the door. "Everybody say hey to my girlfriend (Y/N)!" he raised his beer bottle in the air before placing it on a table. "Now," he turned to face you, sliding his hands around your waist. "What do you say I get a proper welcome home." You giggled and backed the two of you up the stairs and into a random bedroom, pushing him down onto the bed. You tugged off your shirt and did the same for Calum, straddling him on the edge of the bed. He slid his tongue into your mouth and let you taste nothing but alcohol. You quickly repositioned yourself on your knees in front of him, pulling down his jeans and taking his hard length in your hands, slowly gliding your fingers along the tip. "(Y/N) don't be a tease," Calum slurred above you. You began to pump and took what you could into your mouth, swirling your tongue and collecting the precum. You glided your tongue up and down the shaft, Calum's hands in your hair begging for more. You began to bob up and down, your boyfriend's moans causing your own as he bucked his hips and you swallowed the warm liquid. "You're so good at that...wait why are you putting on your shirt?" he asked, confused. "No proper sex til you're sober, Mr. Hood," you winked and left the room, leaving him alone.

Luke: It was your boyfriend Luke's birthday and as a surprise the other boys had flown you out to the US to be with him. When you got to the venue you casually knocked on their dressing room door. Ashton answered and smiled, "Oh come on in stranger!" You gazed over to the couch where Luke was glued to his phone and sat next to him. He took no notice until you leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Happy birthday Lukey." The shock made him drop his phone as he wrapped you in a warm embrace. "(Y/N)! I can't believe you're here! How? What? Actually I don't even care I'm just glad I get to see you." His lips connected with yours and you ran your hands through his hair while he pulled you on top of him. "I'm just gonna...go somewhere that's not here then," Ashton let out a laugh, exiting the room, loudly whistling Birthday Sex. The moment he was gone Luke flipped you over and pinned you to the couch. "I missed you so so so much, you have no idea." He removed your shirt. You arched your back so he could unclasp your bra and soon his clothes were gone too.  "You're so wet.." he observed. You raised an eyebrow at him. "It's been months, Luke. Get on with it." He laughed and entered you without warning, a gasp escaping your lips. He hid his head in the crook of your neck and thrusted at a needy speed, making up for the several months you'd been apart. "I'm close," you whimpered, clawing down his back definitely leaving marks. Within seconds your body went numb with pleasure and you tried your best to keep the volume down. Moments later Luke let go inside of you with a muffled moan and collapsed onto your body. "Yeah I definitely missed you," you sighed happily. "I love you," he said lazily, kissing your nose and getting up to gather his clothes before anyone came back. 

 Michael: Having to attend this homecoming dinner was torture for you and Michael. Don't get it wrong, you loved your boyfriend's family and friends but you definitely wished you could've gotten some alone time between getting off the plane and heading to a fancy restaurant. All throughout dinner Michael's hands were running wild, sliding up and down your thigh and ending up a little too close to the end of your short dress. Two could definitely play at that game though. You did the same to him, going further and cupping his crotch in your palm making him sharply intake his breath and having to reassure the table that he was fine. "You shouldn't have done that to me. You know it's been months," he angrily pushed you against the wall and pinned your hands above your head the second you got home. You let out a laugh, sending him even crazier. "You're going to regret laughing at that," he smirked and pushed a finger into you without warning. "I'm s...sorry," You moaned as a second finger joined the first and he began viciously pumping, using his thumb to rub your sensitive spot. You threw back your head giving him the opportunity to attack your neck with his teeth. "Michael!" You screamed out as you hit your high, collapsing against the wall and lacing your hands around his neck. He leaned his forehead onto yours and laughed. "Jump," he ordered and he lifted you up around his waist, carrying you up to the bedroom to really finish what he'd started in the restaurant.

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