53 his kisses

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Luke: He would be the type to give you soft kisses, but if you guys turned the kissing into a make out session they would turn rough and it would result into multiple love bites.

Ashton: Like Lukes, they would be soft, but instead of being rough, they would be gentle, his hand wrapping around your neck and bringing your body closer to his.

Calm: His kisses would be short and sweet and mostly at random moments. If you two were out in public, his arm around your waist, he would give you short pecks to the cheek, and when you were sitting at home, long and loving ones on the couch.

Michael: Michael would be the one to give you the best kisses. He would give you soft kisses when you looked like you were about to cry, gentle kisses when you were out with friends, and rough/sloppy kisses when he got really horny.

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