118 You're friends with benefits, but he falls for you

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Michael: You pulled your phone out and sighed. (Y/F/N) looked over at you as she shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth. "Michael?" She asked, although it came out muffled because of all the popcorn she had put into her mouth previously. You nodded your head and threw your phone at her. "He said he needs me. I normally get a 'hey come over', or maybe 'mind if I drop by', but I have never been needed." You said as he leaned against her bed. She tossed your phone back to you and laughed. "Maybe he's just extremely horny and needs you to satisfy his needs." Her right eye dropped in a wink and you threw a pillow at her. "That is just not right." Yu laughed. (Y/F/N) just shook her head at you while she laughed slightly. "Well, you guys do that, so I don't know why you're saying it's not right." She chuckled as she reached into the bowl of popcorn once again. You sighed as you looked at your phone, your thumbs hovering over the keyboard on your phone. You had no idea what to say to him because you were with your friend and you felt bad if you were to ditch her for a guy who you weren't even dating. A minute later you received another text from him saying that it was urgent. You looked up at (Y/F/N) and she nodded her head. "Go. Once your done come back and we'll finish girls night." She smiled at you and you attacked her with a hug. "I'm sorry for ditching. Won't happen again!" You said as you walked out of her bedroom and towards her front door. You slipped on your shoes and started to drive to his house. Once you got there you got out of the car and walked up to his door. You rung the doorbell and waited till he came to the door. He opened it and you were about to step in, but he got out of the house and stood in front of you on the deck. You were confused for a moment, but brushed it off. He smiled down at you and brought his right hand up to your cheek and stroked it gently. You stared into each others eyes for a moment before he broke the silence, his hand still stroking your cheek. "When I said I need you I meant it. I need you. All of you. I don't want you to just come over when I'm in the mood anymore - although I'm not saying we should stop that, but you get what I'm saying. I just want more than a fling. I'll understand if you don't want that and all, but-" You cut him off by leaning up and kissing him. You felt him smile into the kiss then seconds later his hands were on your waist and he was kissing you back. You broke the kiss and smiled up at him. "Took you long enough." You laughed and he shook his head at you with a huge grin on his face.

Ashton: "What are you doing here?" Ashton asked as you smiled at him before entering his apartment. He narrowed his eyes at you and you stood near the front door and sighed. "I'm going to make this quick and simple." You took a deep breath while Ashton just stared at you extremely confused and he looked a little scared for what you were going to say. "Going to make what quick and simple?" He asked, now getting impatient with you. You avoided his eye contact. This was harder than you thought it was. "Okay. So. A guy I go to school with asked me out, right? And I figured since we're not actually together it would be alright if I went on a date with him, right?" You asked him and his face was expressionless. He looked like he had just seen his dog get run over by a car. This was a lot harder than you thought. "So, basically, erm, this is over? Because I don't want to be going on dates with him while I'm still sleeping with you. So, yeah. That's all I came over to say to you. I hope we can still be friends." You smiled up at him and immediately regretted your last words. 'I hope we can still be friends' wow, idiot. Ashton just stood there not saying anything. He looked like he was about to cry, but also he looked like he was going to punch a wall. You didn't know what to do, but you stood there waiting for him to say something. "So," he finally spoke up and let out a breath, "You're stopping this because you got asked out on a date by another guy?" He asked you. You slowly nodded your head, giving him a weird look. Isn't that exactly what you said? Ashton took a step back and shook his head. "Really?" He asked you. You were confused why he was acting this way. You both agreed it was just sex, no feelings, and you both were content with it. Especially since he was the one who kept telling you that if there were feelings involved then it would end. Another reason you were happy Troy asked you out, because then you wouldn't have started to like Ashton more than you already did. Unfortunately, you started to like him, but you would never tell him that. "I don't know why you're all flustered over this, Ash. You just wanted sex and that's what you were given." You folded your arms across your chest and he shook his head, pointing his index finger at you, "Don't pin this all on me. You wanted this, too!" His voice was getting gradually louder and you didn't want this to turn into a fight. "Exactly. And now I'm ending it. Goodbye, Ashton." You gave him a small smile and was about to leave his apartment, but he grabbed your arm and turned you around, pinning you against the wall. You could feel his hot breath on your face and your heart pace quickened. He leaned down and pressed his lips to your jaw and left small kisses on your sweet spot just under your jaw. You let out a small whimper and he removed his lips and moved closer to your ear. "You know you don't want this to end and I know you want more than just sex. You want exactly what I want and you don't want to admit that, do you?" He growled in your ear. You could hear his breathing in your ear and you were trying to think of something to say, but you couldn't find the words. "You don't want to end this, (Y/N). You and I both know you don't want to." He purred into your ear and loosened his grip on you and moved his head so he was looking directly into your eyes. "Tell me that you want me." Ashton's voice was low and it reminded you of his voice when he was turned on. You closed your eyes and didn't say a word. You heard a low groan come from his lips and your eyes shot open. "And I don't mean this in a sexual way, (Y/N). I know you feel the same way about me that I feel about you. I can tell you do by the way you look at me. Just admit it and we can forget about that douche bag and I'll take you out on a date." You stared into his eyes for a moment and crashed your lips onto his, forgetting about Troy and cancelling the date with him.

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