59 Wedding vows

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Luke: "I promise that everyday, every hour, I will be there for you. I know that sometimes I won't be with you, but I'll still be with you. I'll be with you through the ring I put on your finger, and I'll be there in your heart because not only did I promise I'd be in your heart, but since I captured it I have it on me all the time and I wouldn't dare hurt it. I'll remind you of how beautiful you are every chance that I'm given. I'll remind you of all the little things I love about you. But most importantly I'll remind you that I love you, and I'll be the shoulder for you to cry on if you ever need it, and I'll be the one to say every day 'I love you.'"

Ashton: "I still remember the first day we met at the park where my brother was having a soccer game. I wondered why the girl with the beautiful hair was sitting all by herself. When I went to talk to you, you were shy and you still are, and I love that about you. I remember you telling me you and your mother would come to the park, but she had died recently. You later told me that she would've approved of me, and that made me happy because even if I had known her, I wouldn't want to make her upset. I promise I'll be your safety, your protector. I'll be mindful of what I say to you because I know how easy you can get upset. But most importantly, I won't let you down and I'll go to the moon if I have to to make you happy because even though your love is the most important thing to me, so is your happiness."

Michael: "I'm not very good with words, but I am good with you. I know what makes you happy when you're sad. I know practically your every order at what ever restaurant we go to, and I know that you'll only eat at certain restaurants. I know that you prefer the side of the bed closer to the wall, and I know you like it when the fan is on when you sleep even though some morning you wake up sick. I know you're more of a summer person but still like the cold. And I know that you're very fragile and I promise that as long as I'm yours I won't let you fall because not everything that is broken can be fixed. And I want you to know that I won't ever let you fall because I don't want you to be broken."

Calum: "When we first met, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I still think that and I know that you think I'm the worlds biggest dork. But I'm okay with you thinking I'm a dork because the best part is that I'm your dork.I love how you can bring out the best in me no matter what the circumstances are and I love how you tell me I can do the same for you. I promise that I will be the best of a husband I can, telling you every day what I love about you because there are endless things that I love about you. I promise daily to not give you a fuss over anything, and I promise daily to remind you how you're my world. I promise to be a better father to our children then yours was to you, and I promise to be a better man then all of the ones that you've encountered in your life. And lastly, I don't want to be the reason you have smeared mascara, I want to be the reason why you have smeared lipstick. I want, and will be your everything."

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